Having some trouble with ADB

I got an Xperia 10 to flash /e/ OS on. I’ve got the bootloader unlocked. I had dev options turned on and accepted the RSA key, and tried to flash a recovery. It didn’t seem to go through so I rebooted the phone. Now it won’t prompt to authorize USB debugging, I deleted the RSA key on computer thinking maybe it was that. I’ve booted up usb with mAid and tried to get it to prompt for an RSA key on the computer with no luck. I’ve even tried going to a different computer altogether. I’ve also done some of the basic commands, kill-server, start-server, reconnect. I’ve reset the phone twice. One thing I’ve noticed is that usb debugging stays on even after a factory reset. Do I try locking and unlocking the bootloader again ? I’m not sure what else to do, has anyone else encountered this and overcame it?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Welcome here :slight_smile:

With one of my devices, sometimes it takes up to 5~10 mn to get the phone react after plugging USB.

I’ll try to be paitent with it.

I was paranoid about touching rsa keys or relocking back the bootloader so just left it unlocked, if yoir threat model involves possible seizure of your phone, eOS wont be for you anyways. I am just testing eOS and browsing but never store anything sensetive.

The LineageOS install instructions https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/kirin/install contains content which might be relevant here.

Warning: These instructions only work if you follow every section and step precisely.
Do not continue after something fails!

Note: If your recovery does not show the LineageOS logo , you accidentally booted into the wrong recovery. Please start at the top of this section!

I just went out and bought a OnePlus Nord n200. There is a lot more that I did that wasn’t detailed here. Such as going to SailfishOS and back. The one+ is working great! I was able to get /e/ on it in like 15/20/minutes.

I just trying to get out from under Googles thumb, not too paranoid about cybersec stuff