Heimdall does not detecte the samsung tab in download mode

My Samsung Tab S6 lite is stuck in Download . lsusb and Odin4 detect it but not heimdall. Thus I cannot start the installation protocol for e/OS.
Do you have any solution ?
Please do not answer push the buttons because i perfectly know this. The tablet is stuck

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Hello @cilibe, welcome to this forum.

You’ve got it !
replace Heimdall (that is known to not work on this device) by Odin4Linux or Thor or ThorGUI in the steps to flash a custom-recovery.


Thanks Piero for the istanteneous answer but I have Odin4 for on my machine I know how to use it for installing Smsung firmware but I do not know I to use it to flash the recovery and the e/OS. Can you give me some references ?

to install e-1.20-t,
the android security patch date on your device before installing /e/ must be 2024.01.05 or older
if it it not the case, rollback to stock samsung OS labeled P6xxXXS4FXA1 or older

  • download recovery-e.img for your device and make it a .TAR

Rename the downloaded image to “recovery.img”,
Open a Command Prompt in the folder where the file was downloaded, and TAR the file by running

tar --format=ustar -cvf recovery.tar recovery.img
  • boot to recovery and flash it using Odin4Linux

Open a Command Prompt in the folder where the file was downloaded, and flash the recovery by running

sudo odin4 -a recovery.tar
  • reboot to recovery



if needed,

  • take the vbmeta.img include in the /e/.zip, and TAR it
tar --format=ustar -cvf vbmeta.tar vbmeta.img
  • flash it along the recovery
sudo odin4 -a recovery.tar -b vbmeta.tar
  • reboot to recovery

Thanks Piero,
I will try tomorrow and I will keep you informed.

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I did what you said. I flashed successfully the recovery image of e/OS but the Tablet gives me a warning that the bootlaoder is unlcoked and it does not want start in recovery
I am stuck

that’s a good news

so what are your possibilities ?

boot the SamsungOS in normal system mode ?
boot into download mode ?

yes I reinstalled the firmware OP and everything work correctly.
Actually with the home-CSC file one has to use the option -s ?
what to do next ?

the “Home CSC” file preserve /userdata for an update of existing samsungOS
as the “1 file only firmware” of your gt-i9195,

for an installation from scratch, use the “CSC” file instead


sudo odin4 -b BL_XXXX.tar.md5 -a AP_XXXX.tar.md5 -c CP_XXXX.tar.md5 -s CSC_XXXX.tar.md5

I tried to reinstall the e/OS
but I got the following sequence
./odin4 -a recovery.tar -b vbmeta.tar
Check file : recovery.tar
Check file : vbmeta.tar
Setup Connection
Receive PIT Info
success getpit
Upload Binaries
Close Connection
Fail request receive -1
FAIL close
Fail Close Connection

This is when I push only volume up to accept the disclaimer.
If I push the the volume up long time and I unlock the bootloader then the device is looping on error message by warning that the boot loader is unlock and the only way to escape is to reload OS firmware


