Help needed, installing stock firmware on a LG / Google Nexus 5X (bullhead)”

you want TWRP to flash TWRP, so to recovery !

So then now l need an e image… l have many since lve downloaded a bunch…

you could have Q , R, S ,T ?
i don’t think that U is available ?

choose a tested, confirmed working one…

Found a system image…lm copying in twrp, then l will try install

what is its name please ?

It was the image from this file

But it did not work

I think lm getting ahead of myself here so lm gonna sleep to and see if tomorrow we can keep forward .


this is not /e/OS .ZIP on your photo, but GogolOS .ZIP!

Possible… l dunno anymore l have downloaded too many to know which is what…

And we did try to get the original google OS to work before changing OS

the old Q version you already have downloaded is repported to work well
it is called

R and S are reported not to work yet

the fresh T version (from yesterday) is not yet tested

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Does the phone currently survive a reboot ? This would be the test for success !

If you have Google + Twrp recovery, is that a working phone ?

At the time, this picture Post #187 seemed out of context, but is explainable. Is this what you have this morning; Google phone with standard Google recovery, on reboot ?

This is a common tripping point. Sometimes that message must be ignored.

What I would do first / next is only find out "was userdata repaired ?

The answer would seem yes as you were able to move files to internal storage. So does the phone reboot in a stable and predictable way ?

I wish l could film the phone 's behavior…

If l press start button
I get the corruption warning
Then Google and nothing more
Google stays but do not load
After a moment back to black

If l press start button + volume down
Recovery mode
The corruption warning
Then google
Then twrp …

Then off because if l press start to bring back the light the corruption screen is back again then google loong moment

Now if l swipe twrp as soon as l see it l can enter twrp
and get to reboot
l am warned there is no OS
I swipe anyway
Corruption warning
Google stays forever phone does not go off…

Good morning,

So do I deduce that this is a “non working phone” ?

While Google and TWRP might coexist am I correct to say it is not happening here ?

Please can you explain that in different words ?

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What is new is that now when the phone shows google it stays that way… not going black after a moment
Just like this… for as long as l do not touch it again

And l do not get twrp everytime after the recovery mode l must try a few times to get twrp with what l described above… start + volume down button, often l get google screen instead…

Thanks, I just wanted to have the best picture of the situation before offering a suggestion. I think it is significant that the image seems to show locked. I guess no reaction to any sort of “Swipe to unlock” ?

What I would do now is to run with the intention of trying to put the phone back to Stock Google. Personally, I would test it for at least 24 hours to find out if the phone was fully OK before any other flashing of new stuff.

I suggest, no Wipe or erase, so it would be back to your working directory Bull and … phone in fastboot mode …


where again this will be the modified script without the -w

One complication might be if you added anything “harmful” (most unlikely) to internal storage, in which case maybe we will have to

fastboot erase userdata

… but I think we will learn more without doing any wipe at this point.

$ ./
Sending 'bootloader' (4610 KB)                     OKAY [  0.299s]
Writing 'bootloader'                               OKAY [  0.143s]
Finished. Total time: 0.499s
Rebooting into bootloader                          OKAY [  0.005s]
Finished. Total time: 0.055s
< waiting for any device >
Sending 'radio' (56630 KB)                         OKAY [  2.717s]
Writing 'radio'                                    OKAY [  0.560s]
Finished. Total time: 3.585s
Rebooting into bootloader                          OKAY [  0.005s]
Finished. Total time: 0.056s
< waiting for any device >
Bootloader Version...: BHZ32c
Baseband Version.....: M8994F-
Serial Number........: 0271e789ba5bb3a3

extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM…
Checking ‘product’ OKAY [ 0.016s]
Checking ‘version-bootloader’ OKAY [ 0.015s]
Checking ‘version-baseband’ OKAY [ 0.013s]
extracting boot.img (11 MB) to disk… took 0.222s
archive does not contain ‘boot.sig’
Sending ‘boot’ (11781 KB) OKAY [ 0.630s]
Writing ‘boot’ OKAY [ 0.126s]
archive does not contain ‘dtbo.img’
archive does not contain ‘dt.img’
extracting recovery.img (17 MB) to disk… took 0.302s
archive does not contain ‘recovery.sig’
Sending ‘recovery’ (17425 KB) OKAY [ 0.903s]
Writing ‘recovery’ OKAY [ 0.207s]
archive does not contain ‘vbmeta.img’
archive does not contain ‘vbmeta_system.img’
archive does not contain ‘super_empty.img’
archive does not contain ‘odm.img’
archive does not contain ‘product.img’
archive does not contain ‘product_services.img’
extracting system.img (1909 MB) to disk… took 52.688s
archive does not contain ‘system.sig’
Sending sparse ‘system’ 1/4 (508768 KB) OKAY [ 27.298s]
Writing ‘system’ OKAY [ 6.128s]
Sending sparse ‘system’ 2/4 (524238 KB) OKAY [ 27.409s]
Writing ‘system’ OKAY [ 6.081s]
Sending sparse ‘system’ 3/4 (501061 KB) OKAY [ 26.371s]
Writing ‘system’ OKAY [ 7.278s]
Sending sparse ‘system’ 4/4 (421469 KB) OKAY [ 22.066s]
Writing ‘system’ OKAY [ 5.032s]
extracting vendor.img (185 MB) to disk… took 5.305s
archive does not contain ‘vendor.sig’
Sending ‘vendor’ (190332 KB) OKAY [ 9.106s]
Writing ‘vendor’ OKAY [ 2.728s]
Rebooting OKAY [ 0.017s]
Finished. Total time: 201.631s

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… ok … and so … ? …

you overwritted TWRP by the gogol recovery,

does Gogol system mode boot ?
does Gogol recovery mode boot ?

I get something new

I dont seem to get twrp anymore but it always came after the recovery mode.

twrp IS a custom recovery mode !