I get a popup window and the accept button is below my screen
I have a very small computer and the popup is bigger than my screen
See ?
I get a popup window and the accept button is below my screen
I have a very small computer and the popup is bigger than my screen
See ?
Is this on newly installed Chrome ? or before that ?
Does Ctrl and minus change resolution ?
Yeah its ok l managed to get through
Sorry for that…
No devices found
Manually add a new device ?
And is it not prepared to look for the phone in Fastboot mode ?
The device was not able to be opened
So l unplugged then replugged the phone but same
I think you may have tried this before … but just to run through.
From the page in Post # 2, with Acknowledge at the foot, one would search for bullhead
and then choose the latest build which I find as
Download the link, I suggest to a new folder in your home directory.
From your file manager right click on the download and use “Extract here”
Before moving on, double check that from a terminal you can
(change directory) to the new folder and thencd
into the extracted folderls
(list) and you find the same~$ cd TEST-bullhead/
~/TEST-bullhead$ cd bullhead-opm7.181205.001/
~/TEST-bullhead/bullhead-opm7.181205.001$ ls
bootloader-bullhead-bhz32c.img flash-base.sh
flash-all.bat image-bullhead-opm7.181205.001.zip
flash-all.sh radio-bullhead-m8994f-
The final step is to boot the phone to fastboot mode …
check that the phone identifies itself with
fastboot devices
then run the flash all script with the command
as i remember Android Flash Tool don’t support this device (too old)
Android Flash Tool supports these devices:
- Pixel 2 and newer
- DragonBoard RB3 (also known as db845c)
- HiKey 960
- HiKey
seems l have a problem here after l downloaded the file asked above and put it in a folder l called Bull in my folder Downloads
l tried the cd command and l get this… but maybe l am doing it wrong ?
I tried few locations and l get this
cate@cate-1011PX:~$ cd Bull
bash: cd: Bull: No such file or directory
cate@cate-1011PX:~$ cd bull
bash: cd: bull: No such file or directory
cate@cate-1011PX:~$ cd downloads
bash: cd: downloads: No such file or directory
cate@cate-1011PX:~$ cd home
bash: cd: home: No such file or directory
so now l try open a terminal in my folder Bull and do ls and then l see this ;
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Bull$ ls
I should see this if lm getting that right …?
Now you would change into the “extracted” directory
cd bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Bull$ cd bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Bull/bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84$ ls
So try
cd bullhead-opm7.181205.001
If that turns out not to work, please try
ls -al
from a prompt at
I get this with your two commands
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Bull/bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84$ cd bullhead-opm7.181205.001
bootloader-bullhead-bhz32c.img flash-base.sh
flash-all.bat image-bullhead-opm7.181205.001.zip
flash-all.sh radio-bullhead-m8994f-
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Bull/bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84/bullhead-opm7.181205.001$ ls -al
total 1065828
drwxr-xr-x 2 cate cate 4096 nov. 21 2018 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 cate cate 4096 janv. 17 20:12 …
-rw-r–r-- 1 cate cate 4720884 nov. 21 2018 bootloader-bullhead-bhz32c.img
-rw-r–r-- 1 cate cate 977 nov. 21 2018 flash-all.bat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cate cate 932 nov. 21 2018 flash-all.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cate cate 878 nov. 21 2018 flash-base.sh
-rw-r–r-- 1 cate cate 1028666321 nov. 21 2018 image-bullhead-opm7.181205.001.zip
-rw-r–r-- 1 cate cate 57989632 nov. 21 2018 radio-bullhead-m8994f-
So you have the six required files including flash-all.sh
bootloader-bullhead-bhz32c.img flash-base.sh
flash-all.bat image-bullhead-opm7.181205.001.zip
flash-all.sh radio-bullhead-m8994f-
So you are ready for
~/Downloads/Bull/bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84/bullhead-opm7.181205.001$ fastboot devices
0271e789ba5bb3a3 fastboot
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Bull/bullhead-opm7.181205.001-factory-5f189d84/bullhead-opm7.181205.001$ ./flash-all.sh
fastboot too old
fastboot too old
OK … of course this is untested, but your it seems that your “older” phone and build is not recognising the modern fastboot
which comes with this adb version.
You might want to sleep on whether you think this is a good idea, but seems fairly safe to me as the phone appears unusable as is … maybe you think this would only be a last resort (??).
Please open flash-all.sh
in a text editor and SaveAs flash-all-original.sh
in the original location.
Below is a modified flash-all.sh
where there is no check for fastboot version.
Should you choose to proceed
below into your text editorflash-all.sh
in the original location.Review: you have replaced the Google flash-all.sh
by the aibd flash-all.sh
# Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#### Edited by aibd - hash out lines 17,18,19,20
#if ! grep -q dtbo.sig $(which fastboot); then
# echo "fastboot too old"
# exit 1
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-bullhead-bhz32c.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
sleep 5
fastboot flash radio radio-bullhead-m8994f-
fastboot reboot-bootloader
sleep 5
fastboot -w update image-bullhead-opm7.181205.001.zip
Now run with the modified script by
chmod +x flash-all.sh
followed by
The latest version is not always the most advantageous, especially for older devices. Try platform version 34.0.5 or older…
it says the same
fastboot too old