Home screen / desktop screenshots 2

I had nothing else better to do, so…

Device:: Teracube 2e “emerald”
OS: /e/OS 1.7-r
Launcher: Lynx Launcher w/GNOME theme (Pro version won’t work)
Icons: Distraction Free (/e/ apps are covered though the Browser icon, done a long time ago, needs re-do)
Keyboard: Unexpected Keyboard (my fave on three ROMs despite no auto-correction. Lots of typos for sure. Originally for use with Termux Expert Launcher on OP8T but got hooked.)

Main screen. Top button of appdock exposes web browsers.

Swipe right for favorites / most used.

Swipe down for app search.

Swipe left or tap drawer icon in appdock for app drawer.

Swiping up from the main reveals widgets but since I didn’t have any it is not shown.


FP3 with Neo Launcher, I have one screen with widgets on the left and two more screens with icons on the right.

(in the background the famous prehistoric Lion Man, more than 35000 years old, today exhibited in Ulm, Germany)


Hey @irrlicht
Are you using CameraRoll or CameraRollX? I tried X but it seemed a bit odd sometimes.

No X. It’s just Camera Roll 1.0.6 from F-Droid. I remember some problems with the X and uninstalled it because of that. But mine is stable and does the job very well.

I used Simple Gallery for a year and it was not bad but I liked the idea to try also something else.

Good. Then I know it wasn’t just me.
CameraRoll was a favorite so I’ve been coming back to it.

A few icon packs support /e/ apps.
Arcticons (on F-Droid) was the first. I thought I requested them but maybe it was someone else.
Long before that I used to use the /e/ Browser on other ROMs (Nougat and Oreo) so I had icon devs make an icon for it.

Only recently did I finally have others covered. To do so I pulled the apps and installed them on a ROM with Play Store. Calendar, though, will not install on non-/e/ ROM. I noticed it was the only main default app that was installed under /product/ instead of /system/.

Anyway, I got two icon packs to cover /e/. Other packs are failing to do premium requests. In-App Purchase failures. Granted I’m on microG but some packs worked fine, even one from the same developer as a failed one.
Will still try others.

Below are icons from Arcticons, Tigad, and Distraction Free.


Kiss & Arcticons on Oneplus Nord (aviici)

Nice and quiet :slight_smile:


Does anyone know why /e/ offered Bliss Launcher on F-Droid but does not update it on the latter? (Lest update on this store: 2020-02-22)
Just curious. Maybe it takes a long time for nothing but it would have been nice to update it at least once a year if only to widen their notoriety for people not using /e/OS yet but wanting to test Bliss.
By the way, as a Bliss user, I’m disappointed to see that articons doesn’t work on it.


Yeah unfortunately that is something it has in common with a lot of other system launchers. It lacks quite a lot of features mostly when it comes to customization. I like the launcher personally but I switched off of it and went for neo launcher because of how customizable it was paired along with the fact I didn’t want to use nova or lawnchair. But honestly if they were to update blisslauncher to where it had icon pack support and the functionality to hide apps I wouldn’t mind switching back. But I agree it would be nice if they updated the f-droid version cause last time I checked that version it was not the most stable launcher. I remember using it then it crashed and my entire layout got reset

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Unexpected keyboard is great! Although I mainly use it as a companion to the aosp keyboard cause sometimes things like the control key and arrow keys are really helpful. But honestly if I used it more I’d probably get hooked to it as well. I know all those apps actually. But anyways I actually do know of a icon pack that sort of supports /e/ apps. The reason why I say sort of is cause it actually doesn’t but it has a method to theming unsupported icons and while they aren’t the best looking for being unsupported they don’t look the worst either!


And for any who are wondering the app is called icon pack studio, the idea is that you make the icon pack and it has a lot of features to do so. But just a fair warning some trackers are present in the app. I mean I disabled the apps internet access to be completely honest as the only reason why you would need to connect to the internet with is to view other creations and or download and use them



Well this is kind of cool. Unexpected Keyboard added a NumPad.
Clearly not useful in portrait unless you have tiny thumbs. In landscape or on a tablet it would be ideal I think.


Device: Samsung s7 hérolte
Os: /e/OS 1.17
Launcher: Lawnchair2
Icon Pack: Arcticons


Very classy! Some people complain about the looks of default /e/OS, but with a little searching and trying other launchers and icons, one can make a great looking smartphone with /e/OS.