Homesscreen Off Center, Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite - eOS 2.2

This problem appeared when eOS 2.0 was installed. I thought future updates would address the issue. However, after the 2.2 install. My tablet home-screen is still off center. I am unable to create additional homepages. There also seems to be some screen tearing around the dock at the bottom. Is there a fix for this, or will there be some update to correct it??

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Tablet support is being worked on.

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@MRTN That’s good news. I hope it’s not too difficult of an issue to fix, and that it comes sooner rather than later. Thanks for sharing.


In addiction to @MRTN message, BlissLauncher got recently forked to a tablet specific development branch.
I hope they make good progress, and that will see the results soon !

Hi @Nico7as that’s great news. I am sure many want eOS to work great on their tablets. Like you, I hope these changes happen soon. I have a few tablets I want to install eOS on for friends and family. Thanks again for the update!

@Nico7as How long do you think it will take to fix this issue on tablets?


Absolutely no idea. I’m no developper, so not participating to the actual développement.

e/OS/ is updated every month, at least for the security updates.
In that timeframe developpers have to :

  • find the bugs
  • correct them with a patch
  • push the patch to the source-code


  • the patch must be accepted and merged by the developpers in charge.
  • the update specific to each device shall be compiled and tested .
  • the update is pushed to the devices.

If all that is done in time for the next update, we’ll get it.
If not, the new target is the next monthly update.

But since there’s now a tablet-specific branch of the Launcher, it could be different.
Maybe faster, maybe slower.

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