How can I use /e/ apps on android 14?

Hello everyone,

I using /e/OS now for several years but now I have a smartphone with android 14 and I can’t install /e/OS. Two things would be really great for me:
I would like to sync my calendar and contacts with my /e/OS phone and my android phone over my murena account. I hope someone can explain me how I can install /e/ Drive on my new phone.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I don’t have Murena account. However, I use my own NextCloud server, and I read that Murena has repackaged Nextcloud.

When I startup first time my /e/os phone, when I connected my phone to my NextCloud account, everything worked well.

I suppose, if you install DavX on your phone, and set the correct URL of Murena server (probably that one ? and your account, you should be able to get back your calendar and contacts.

DavX is a CalDAV/CardDAV management and sync app for Android. It also provides access to your WebDAV Cloud file.

This app must be paid on Google play store. But strangely it is free on f-droid app store. Let me know if it works…

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Another vote for DAVx5, and ICSx5 if you have use webcals. Syncs fine with Murena account Contacts and Calendars


… and you have a solution that works at least as well as /e/OS (better IMHO)

Until /e/OS is available for Android 14, have you considered using LineageOS for microG? It’s want /e/OS is built on and is a pretty good ‘de-googled’, privacy-focussed custom ROM, though not quite as de-googled as /e/OS and IodéOS.


Thanks for the answer. I installed DavX and it’s working perfect for me THANK YOU! I might have a further question. I also synced my tasks with jtx Board. Currently I’m able to see the tasks in this app. This is also rely satisfying. But what I miss a bit is that I can see the task due date also in the colander like in the browser version. Is this possible?
Manny Thanks again.

I couldn’t help you on that point.

Have you tried Nextcloud app to see if it could help ?

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