How can one list issues closed by /e/ robot on gitlab?

How can one list issues closed by /e/ robot on gitlab?

I wish to revisit those issues not closed by human and I’m failing to create a filter for these.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

If there is a specific issue you want reopened you can either reopen it or put in a comment on it for it to be ropened.

Dear Manoj, thank you for your suggestion. Yes, that is an optional action. But first I have to find those issues I want to open. There were quite many issues closed by the /e/ robot. I had no time to argue or check on validity at the time. Now I wish to review the list.

It’s well worth the effort. Several of the issues I raised were closed automatically. When I checked, most if them were not fixed and had no or very little input since they were opened.

I didn’t need to use a filter or search, because I received an email when a defect I had raised was closed, and kept the email until I had time to check.

If you don’t have emails, I think you might be stuck with having to look at all closed issues :frowning:

Good luck!

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Yeap, I’m afraid I purged the emails. I did not anticipate struggles not having them.

You could start by searching for closed issues that were raised by you. Easier than checking all closed issues :slight_smile:

EDIT: try `

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You can see /e/ robot activity, and also follow him:

He’s been a busy robot :wink:


Yes, this way is the easiest. But I still think, only a third of the tickets was closed by the robot.

I’ve just discovered that all issues closed by the bot are automatically added to the user’s to-do list. (The reason is the robot’s @username greeting.) You can filter the list to view only the issues you originally opened and were closed by the bot. To filter by the bot, use this link: This link will remain functional unless a new bot is created.

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