Hi Folks, Not so long ago I purchased a Pix 5 and immediately installed /e/is - naturally.
I’ve recently been reauthenticating a number of Google accounts I have. In the process, one of the authentication methods Google asks me to complete is to tap on a number on my Pixel 5…
Needless to say, that doesn’t work - Google isn’t on my phone, right?
So, how has Google come to know I have a Pixel 5!!!???
the default still is to enable microg and talk to Google - did you ever (try to) authenticate on the phone or used the account?
microg (the play services surrogate) sends stripped device identifiers where the brand+model can be derived - Anonymous calls to Google servers (either device reg. or the google account management/sign-in)
Could the answer be that I’ve been logged into a Google Account on Fennec - which I’ve just noticed while logging in to clean up another account with Google…? (Otherwise, I don’t believe I’ve ever logged into Google on this phone - I’ve only had it a few months and I haven’t used a GA for the App Lounge.)