How to activate gesture on fairphone FP3+?


I just updated today my FP3+ with v0.18, but I don’t see how to activate gestures.
In Settings > System > Advanced > Gestures I get no entry System navigation

I thought it was working, as said here : Releases · e / os / releases · GitLab
Is there something else to do ?
System is 0.18-20210828132311

Thank you.

It’s said there for 0.18-q = Android 10.
As you can see on the page by scrolling down, 0.18 can be based on other Android versions, too. …
0.18-pie = Android 9,
0.18-oreo = Android 8,
0.18-nougat = Android 7.
It depends on what is available as a base for /e/ on a device. On the Fairphone 3/3+ currently Android 9 and 10 are supported by /e/.
Edit: And Android 11 is being tested, forgot to mention.

… which doesn’t say which Android version you’re on.
A complete version string with every necessary info for troubleshooting is given in Settings - About phone - Android version (tap on it) - /e/ version. What does it say for you?

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Thank you for your answer. I have indeed Android 9. Now I understand.
I have looked on the forum and wiki, for upgrading to Android 10.
The procedure is not clear enough for me, I don’t think to be ready to take the risk. :thinking:

Anyway, thanks again.

Hey @georges, it would be my pleasure to walk you trough the upgrade process to Android 10 Q (or even Android 11 R, since it was recently made available). I have a Fairphone 3 and have upgraded it manually to Q and then R.

If that sounds good to you, we could schedule an online meeting and do an audio call (through Signal for example). I speak English, French and German, let me know which one suits you best.


Thank you for your answer, that’s great and I will be pleased to go ahead with an assistance.

  1. I have moved my PC to Debian two weeks ago (but I am not a linux expert)
  2. Signal is OK for me (should I send you a phone number in private ?)
  3. I’m speaking french … and english but less fluent :wink:
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With the help of @anon95995175 , I have upgraded to Android 10 in secure conditions, mainly following [HOW-TO] Flash /e/-OS on Fairphone 3 using Debian based GNU/Linux

But I really appreciated not to be alone :wink:
I am now ready for Android 11.

Thanks a lot !


thanks for the awesome information.

And I did the same yesterday with Android 11 on my FP3+, everything works fine. Thank you /e/ team for all the works done !


After two weeks with Android 11 on my FP3+, I think useful to confirm that I didn’t have a single problem. Even the push notifications from my bank app are now working (it was not on Android 9) !
Don’t hesitate to upgrade !


thanks my issue has been fixed.