How to buy via google store

I would like to install a paid plugin in OSMand as well as maps. This software as well as other navigation Apps requires to pay via the Google Playstore in order to permit a download.
Where can I authenticate as a google registered user ?
So that Aurora can unlock the download

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Once you’ve purchased the app or plugin via Play Store or the web, just go into Aurora Store, add your Google account inside the app, then check to see if the item becomes available for download.

The only OsmAnd plugin that costs money that I am aware of is Contour Lines. If you have not yet purchased anything, do note that OsmAnd+ and Contour Lines are available free (and clean) via F-Droid. I would suggest getting said items that way and donate directly to the OsmAnd team.


Thanks, what is probably missing is my payment on the Play Store which seems to be an independent action (I will try it soon).

About an installation from F-Droid, I fear that F-Droid and Aurora conflict on the management of Apps, especially on updates.
The conflict seems to exist between the eOS store (‘Apps’) and Aurora. Actually, a post or HowTo about Aurora specifies to Blacklist the Apps preinstalled with eOS, namely: MicroG, MagicEarth, PdfviewerPlus in order to avoid their update by Aurora.

These apps are also available from /e/ Apps store (like all F-droid apps i guess?), no payment needed…
So, no need to install F-droid.

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I don’t have conflicts when it comes to management of apps. Whatever I install from one store I update from that one store. No mixing. As far as the initial use of Aurora and the desire to hit update for the aforementioned apps, they’ll more than likely fail due to different signatures anyway. But yeah, folks need to know not to do that but most times people will before being notified.

Anonyme wrote a HOWTO regarding Aurora Store which mentions the blacklisting here…

[HOWTO] Download every app in the Google Play Store thanks to Aurora Store

Thanks MRTN for letting me know about OsmAnd and Contour Lines on /e/ Apps. I don’t use Apps so never thought to check. Cool.

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