How to create a shortcut for a native /e/ app?


My problem is simple but annoying: I don’t know how to add a shortcut for the native “Message” /e/ app on my home screen.
I know how to do it for all applications except for native /e/ apps like Message.

Please note I use OpenLaucher.

Thank you everybody in advance for your help, much appreciated!

Hold and drag from the app drawer isn’t it?

That’s the issue: the “Message” app is not in the app drawer!

Ah, sorry I misunderstood!
Don’t shout at me for asking this…does the app appear in the Hide Apps settings of Open Launcher and are there other apps missing as well?
Presumably it works ok under Bliss?
If it’s a bug we could check out the issues for more info.

All good, thank you !
You were right: Message app was set as hidden.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: