After upgrading to v2.0, my screen was set to grid 4x6 instead of the previous 4x5. As a result, all my app icons were remove from the screen. When trying to restore them via “the swape up to app list”, this function was not working. No settings in the parameter seems able to set “app list” for the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
I tried to change from 3 buttons navigation to 2 buttons navigation or gesture navigation ; nothing has made this function working.
Unknown facts :
It is very annoying to always have to open parameters → applications → show applications → tap the app on the list → select open ; to have a single app opening…
Thanks all for your future feedback / work around / hints / solutions on how to restore my icons
Thanks a lot . For a ittle of work to rearrange the icons and recreate the internet shortcut, I got everthing back on my screen. I have to keep 4x6 grid instead of my previous 4x5, as reverting to 4x5 make again all my icons to desappears but that is nothing compared to having the icons .
@aibd Thank you for your intense activity for this community