How to disable App lounge "app updated" notifications

App lounge keeps notifying me every day that it has updated apps.

I would like to disable these notifications as they are pointless (almost every day there is at least one app that gets updated), but I cannot: the app itself doesn’t have anything in its settings, and the “notifications” sub-menu in the phone settings menu, does not allow changing the setting for App lounge.

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There’s a “show updates” checkbox in the settings of App Lounge. Uncheck this and the app will be quiet.

“Show available updates” option in App lounge settings is already disabled, but still getting the “1 app updated” notifications.

The setting works fine, since your are notified that app have been update and the setting is notification for available updates.

it is not possible to switch this off, only the notification sound :

I don’t know why but I think it is a choice of the development team.

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