How to install Mulch | Bromite WebView on Samsung Note 2 GT-N7100 (t03g)

Hello everyone.
I have a test phone Samsung Note 2 GT-N7100 (t03g) with /e/OS , Info about Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (3G) - n7100 it has Android 7.1 /e/OS dev n7100 download and AOSP.
I want to install Mulch | Bromite WebView . When I used the manual installation method from this tutorial GitHub - A4Alpha/mulch-webview-overlay: Easily install the security-hardened Mulch SystemWebView from DivestOS , my phone booted in a loop and did not boot ((

Also I found that there is no “overlay” directory, ok I created it, put treble-overlay-mulch-webview.apk there, then put in the /system/addon.d/ directory and adb shell chmod 755 /system/addon.d/ , installed Mulch WebView apk as a normal application .

Unfortunately this method does not work, I will be glad to hear your advice

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Treble project is only compatible with devices originaly sold running android 8 and higher.

Thanks for your answer. Could you clarify what you mean, how the “Treble” project and “Bromite | Mulch” are related to each other?

Or did you mean that only from Android 8 you can install “Bromite | Mulch WebView”?

Ok, you can install Bromite webview SystemWebView releases | Bromite - take back your browser
Architecture Android version
ARM Nougat 7.0 and above (SDK24)

If you still can modify the title, i think it will be more clear for large users if you refer to “Pre-Treble” devices than to your Phone model…

is it up to date ?
i can see it is version 108.0.5359.156
could be interresting for older /e/ version :
version in e-0.18-r was 91.0.4472.158
(i don’t know for e-0.21-n / e-0.23-o / e-0.23-p / e-1.17-q)
when version in e-2.2-r is 123.0.6312.122

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