How to quickly silence the phone


Is there a way to quickly silence the phone - phone ringing, email/messages alerts etc? On iPhone, I could press the power button and instant silence.


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Which phone are you using?

I have Samsung Galaxy S9.

Does pressing the volume or power button briefly not work?

No, I tried everything. I have it as a work phone, I fixed the volumes with Vollynx, so I didnt accidentally turn down the volume (it happened once, so I found this app), I have an app that repeats the notifications in case I miss it the first time, but I was in a restaurant yesterday, couldn´t see which app was alerting me (loudly), so I ended up turning off the phone. A quick way of silencing it would be great.

I have found a couple of apps, which allow you to pull down notifications and turn the phone to silent, but its slow as you have to open the phone cover, wake up phone, log in, slide down and tap. Anyway the bixby button could be used as auto silent, as it seems redundant?

I don’t have the S9, so not sure if it’s the same. But on the Tera 2e I was able to press the volume rocker and when the animation appeared on the screen with the volume slider, press the bell icon above it.

Does it work with Power & Volume Up?

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I think the problem is the volume locker.

What I found was, I could reassign the bixby button (or any button) using an app (how refreshing coming from Apple, how you can customise your own device!!!), I installed KeyMapper to do this. I then installed an app called Mute and assigned that to the bixby button. Unfortunately with KeyMapper, the screen has to be on, (extra button press, anyone know of a key mapper that works with the screen off?), and I have to press bixby 3 times for it to work. Anyway, I can now silence the phone quickly without even having to open the case!


If you like freedom on a phone, you should experience it on a computer; try a Linux distribution sometime. :slight_smile:

I used Microsoft PCs since the 80s, transitioned to Mac 2014, that was painful, but got there in the end. Ended up buying many apps, some quite simple, to enable me to do what I want (would rather pay a small amount than learn terminal (remember writing lots of things in DOS back in the day)).

After a while (with a few notable exceptions), I thoroughly enjoyed using my Mac.

My Mac is no longer getting new OSs, but is getting security updates. I was waiting for a larger M chip iMac to launch before I upgraded, but with the change in some of Apple policies, I had decided to go to an open source OS (as with the phone).

I like the look of elementary os, and will give it a try soon.

Less than 2 weeks after getting my android phone, I have flashed e/os, restored Android 10, flashed again e/os, got it as secure as I think I can, got some great apps and am able to do everything on my phone that I want (with the exception of airdrop type functionality, and the ability to phone one contact from the AOD clock screen or lock screen - work in progress).

No longer am I fighting with my smart phone, to get it to do what I, not a corporation want!

I have to say I am so happy with my e/os device, I won’t be replacing any of my iPads, I will be getting android tablets instead, running e/OS of course.

I hope the elementary os experience goes as well as my e/os experience.

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Congrats! Sounds like you’re on a good path.

You might also take a look at Linux Mint. (You can actually install more than one Linux distro on a computer; or you can try it from a live USB drive before installing.)

Mint makes it trivial to include drivers for your hardware, and multimedia codecs during the installation (if you want them). The official screenshots may look a bit drab, but keep in mind you can change colors, fonts, backgrounds, etc., to your liking.

Mint is based on Ubuntu (which is also a Debian derivative), so a great many tutorials and help topics you come across on the internet will be applicable to Mint. Elementary OS is also based on Ubuntu.

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Thanks, I will have a look at it.

Just deciding whether to get a dedicated computer for the open os, or wheither to put it on my spare iMac.

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If an old PC for Linux is an option for you, the advantage is that you are not constrained by dual boot and following along with that, worrying about the data on your Mac …

Compared to messing with Android, Linux is a breeze, especially with a cheap old PC which you can reformat and start again as often as you like!

… in which case, perhaps you are not bothered …


Linux Mint has been my OS since 2004 and I’ve never had to change fonts, colors or backgrounds. Mind you I do use the Mate edition because I like the original Gnome UI. The only thing I ever do to customize its appearance is add a panel to the top of the screen and pin my favorite apps there for quick launching, and then increase the height of the bottom panel to show two rows of open windows. I also use the Compiz Config wobbly windows and cube rotator because I like the animations :slight_smile: (these were originally on by default in Mint, but one day they made it a feature that has to be turned on manually in the control panel).

Anyhow, the reason I stuck with Mint is because it just works out of the box and IMO doesn’t look drab at all!


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