How to remove guest user/account or login option on lockscreen

Hi guys, I am new to /e/ and I like the OS so far. While getting to know all preferences and options, I accidantly clicked on the guest user. Now it seem like that user got activated and on the lockscreen there is that blue icon to change user. How can I get rid of that? Or is it even possible to delete the guest user?

Not tried this but can you check if you see the guest account under

Settings >>Accounts 

select the account and in the next screen Remove Account.

I checked it. The guest user is not displayed there.

Can you try this…in Settings search bar search for user
This should show User & profiles
Under this there is an option ‘Remove guest’

Both, user and profile do not show up in search :frowning:

I managed to remove the blue icon for changing user on the locksreen: I logged in as guest and then in settings I was able to remove the guest user. In my standard profile the guest user is still there in settings.

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Thanks for solving this, i just had this issuelast night, somehow my ear toggled a new guest when on the phone, thanks to your post i was able to remove the new user, it was a bit silly that the owner cannot remove guest, of which is what i tried to do at that time and gave up, thanks sorted now:)

I think that guest accounts should not survive a reboot !
I’ll do some testings and open an issue.