How to use root access in dev options

How to use root access in dev options
After enabling it, how to flash modules?

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This setting simply allows usb debugging as root – adb root - ADB Shell.

Say for example you wanted to use adb to find some .db files in /data, this would be likely impossible without adb root. The response might be

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
ZYX321abcd	device

$ adb shell
device:/ $ find /data -name *.db
find: /data: Permission denied

Provided you can allow root access in dev options you can now

$ adb root
restarting adbd as root

$ adb shell
device:/ # find /data -name *.db
device:/ #   

You probably noticed that this option is called “Rooted debugging”, not simply root or root access, hence what @aibd correctly laid out.
With this enabled, what you can do with ADB you can do as root with ADB. But only with ADB (the Android Debug Bridge).

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