[HOWTO] build eOS in old fashioned way with breakfast -- now with interactive script

Nice. hope your build will also work. good luck


what is the device name ? Galaxy Grand Prime (SM-G530FZ) or ??

Product name : Galaxy Grand Prime
Model : SM-G530FZ
Codename : gprimeltexx

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I used the same roomservice than you (the “new” one) but it’s still not working… I can’t figure out what you did differently than me.

No build error.? Crazy

You are using 1312.sh? ?
Signature spoofing = No?
All others = Y

This signature spoofing could be the issue

Or do you use 161.sh?

For the first time, no error at all from the beginning to the end. (4h of sync + 13h of build process)

I use 161.sh

But the script doesn’t work in WSL, so I have to write manually every command that are in the 161.sh file.

I’m sure it’s not a problem because when I was building in a virtual machine with the script working, the final build wasn’t booting, it was the same problem.

The only thing I changed compared to you is the CCACHE size from 100 to 50.

OK, I’m using for building only repo sync and

source build/envsetup.sh
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_SIZE=100G
brunch mido

But that should not be the issue

Sorry, I cannot figure out how to write the roomservice.xml file for my brand new motorola moto g7 plus (lake):


can you help me?

First one other question:
Am I right, that it is shipped with Android pie or q? I think it’s a treble supported device. That means you can use the eOS Pie GSI.

oy, oy, oy!
It’s really ‘brand new’ for me. Just took the ‘best’ quality/price ratio from the list of the LOS official supported devices… thougth was simple to compile…

thank, you.

PS: I know is
Android 9 Pie…

I realize too late… I did a terribli wrong choice: motorola moto g7 plus is not even supported by lineageos+mocrog.
So my option are:

  1. use google (stock or lineageos, still google services)
  2. re-sell the phone (unused)

thank you any way

@harvey186 I see a lot of people struggle with this, like we did ages ago :wink: Would it be an idea to create a gitlab repo where people can download manifests for unsupported devices?

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Hi @andrelam, Yes, I think it’s a good idea. Or we can use a ecloud folder where all people could upload there manifests. Let me check what’s the easiest way is.

I found sources here now find a way to make the correct manifest.

Also maybe you or @harvey186 can add a small HOWTO post on how to create a manifest with custom device trees.

no need for sell. What’s about the GSI solution or building with the sources andre has pointed to ?

Oh,thank you so much.
may be I’m able to do it by myself… but I need some direction-



Indeed a precise and detailed HOWTO (made for people with 0 knowledge on github, vendor, tree, etc) would be a good thing to fully complete my HOWTO Build easily on Windows/Linux that I started to write yesterday for newbie.

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I think that’s really difficult. I don’t dare to write such a HowTo. Sorry. IT’s a little like writing a How To riding a bike :frowning:

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