I prefer to build in the good old fashioned way, because I‘m more flexible and I can stop when ever I want with CTRL+C. Since all eOS sources are available in e.foundation git we can build complete without any docker or docker command.
It’s tested on Linux Mint19. Don’t know if the script will work on Windows.
I have created 2 scripts.
the first is for only one time run to check your environment/dependencies
– download here https://ecloud.global/s/kLttdHMsTAyC99H
– run sudo chmod a+x run_once.sh
– copy it into your build folder
the second one is an interactive script which is doing all needed steps for building
– download here
– run sudo chmod a+x 161.sh
– copy it into your build folder
Now copy your roomservice.xml (sample here) also into your build folder
open terminal in your build folder and
– run sudo ./run_once.sh
– run (without sudo) ./161.sh
answer all questions and hours later you will have your own build eOS.zip created
If you will find any error, pls let me know, so I can update the script.
The following is all incl. in the 161.sh script from above. So no need anymore
We start with creating the needed directory:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/android/eOS
next step: installing repo command
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
next step: make it executable
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Next step: initialize the eOS source repository
cd ~/android/eOS
repo init -u https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android.git -b v1-pie
next step: create a roomservice.xml with all needed sources for your device
example: https://ecloud.global/s/Hgi3XbDdxditGEj
next step: create a folder 'local_manifests in ~/android/eOS/.repo/
next step: put your roomservice.xml in folder ~/android/eOS/.repo/local_manifests/
next step: downloading all sources. This will need some hours, because it‘s downloading more than 100 gb
repo sync
OK, hours later we can start the build with:
source build/envsetup.sh
breakfast NameOfYourDevice
next step: activate ccache
export USE_CCACHE=1
next step: setup ccache size
export ccache -M 50G
Next step: start building:
brunch NameOfYourDevice
And hours later you will find in your folder ~/android/eOS/out/target/product/
your eOS.zip file (the name will change, that‘s why I‘m talking about eOS.zip)