[HOWTO] build eOS in old fashioned way with breakfast -- now with interactive script

good luck !! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

it worked!!! :sunflower: :four_leaf_clover: :sauropod:
few notes (actually applies non to /e/ but to TWRP installation):

  • TWRP zip file for androip P it is not available (there is only the .img file for temporay boot) so, in order to install TWRP, I had to use the Q version as advised in the xda forum

  • data partition it was encryped (twrp asked a key I did not know), so I could not push TWRP zip to /sdcard nor to /ex-sdcard. So, I had to push in /tmp

  • the same for the /e/ zip.

  • I did not format data just after the TWRP boot, I did it after /e/ intallation, along with wipe dalvic, ecc: may be this caused the above issue, I don’t know.

Thank you again for your kind support! :green_heart:


you can do in fastboot mode:
fastboot /w
fastboot format data

Nochmal zum Verständnis: Was ist dann der Unterschied zwischen dieser Version die ich hier baue und der zip die du im anderen hero2lte-pie Thread hochgeladen hast? Wofür brauche ich die dann und warum kann ich die nicht direkt flashen?

Die die ich gebastelt habe, hat (m)ein Bootlogo und einen anderen Hintergrund. Alles andere ist wie immer. Das sich ein User daran gestört hat, musste ich ein ‘Custom’ build daraus machen.

Ich sehe keinen Grund, warum die meine Version NICHT nehmen solltest. Sie läuft ohne Probleme.
Ich dachte nur, du wolltest vl selber mal ein rom backen.

Hi, I guess the script needs some modifications ?

mhm, I have worked til 12 pm with
https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android.git -b v1-pie

Don’t know if this new repo is for docker. Have to clarify with e-devs

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thx for information. have updated all my scripts

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The “repo init -u” line needs to be corrected.

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Looks like the 161.sh file has been modified outside Linux because there is an interpreter error when we try to launch it.

Workaround : create another 161.sh file and copy paste everything in the new file.

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I’m making always the changes direct on the file in ecloud. I think that’s the problem. But when I upload a new file with corrections I fear I have to change all links in all posts :frowning:

Sometimes characters that are not 100% compatible are entered. If this is the problem, it is solved in linux like this:

dos2unix file.sh


The solution is to give the link of the folder and not the file, this way you don’t have to care about links.

At the beginning, the line :
repo init https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
needs to be back to :
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo

If not it fails because repo command not found.

Ups, Do I have changed the wrong line … sorry, will change it back soon

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New goal : build for LineageOS supported devices (without docker).

I tried with “peach”, Nougat sources for LineageOS are available.

Here is the logs (I cut the repo sync part).

I don’t have roomservice and haven’t put vendor in “vendor/ark” (or something like this), because I don’t understand why nothing is required with docker and why something would be needed with this method.

Thank you :slight_smile: (whoever you are)

With old fashioned way method is easy to build LineageOS.
I made a little modifications into @harvey186 's script, and I can choose to build /e/Os or LineageOS:

read -p "Que sincronizo 1=/e/ ; 2=lineageOS ? " OS
if [ $OS -eq 1 ]; then
  echo "Sincronizando repositorio de /e/"
  repo init -u https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git -b v1-pie
  if [ $OS -eq 2 ]; then
    echo "Sincronizando repositorio de LineageOS"
    repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-16.0
    echo "Opcion incorrecta"
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If the build script will find needed sources in LOS git, it will downloaded them automatically. But there is no vendor sources in OS git, so you have to add it by your own. You can try this: Clone it manually to you sources. Than you don’t need the created a roomservice.xml

By the way, I think you are using eOS sources, or not ?

And you should have a look in device/ ineage.dependencies if all needed sources are available, incl. all kernel sources

Indeed looks like it’s not, I thought the vendor was automatically downloaded from TheMuppets :

I clicked on Clone, then I unzipped it and save the “peach” directory in /home/android/e/vendor

And now the build has started successfully, thanks !
Edit : it just failed at 685/34033 grrrr Let’s see…

Yes I use /e/ source since I want to build /e/.

only with docker. On old fashioned way, you have to ensure for your own, that all sources are available

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