[HOWTO] Essential Phone PH-1 Mata Eelo 0.7 Mobile Hotspot Tethering Fix

#HowTo: Fix WlanHotspot Essential Phone 1 Eelo

/Add a h to tttps:// = https:// for using the links, i don’t know why, but i can’t post a real link here!

  1. Install EeloOs like in the install documentation from the e-team on the site
  2. Instal Magisk ttps://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/download/v19.3/Magisk-v19.3.zip like the OS: adb sideload magisk.zip after the Rom in TWRP!
  3. After this enable USB-Debugging in Developer-Options (Tap 7 times on Build-Number in Options)
  4. Transfer This File to Downloads on your smartphone with usb:
    and change the name to: hostapd.config
  5. Connect Smartphone to Pc and type: “adb shell” than “su” after this
    write: “mv /storage/emulated/0/Download/hostapd.conf /data/misc/wifi/”
  6. You can use Amaze Root Explorer to Check for the Files ( /data/misc/wifi/) and the path form f-droid store. Create in this folder 2 empty files: hostapd.accept and hostapd.deny. Now there should be 3 new files: hostapd.conf, hostapd.accept and hostapd.deny
    → Now the Hotspot works! I made this on my phone! Should work with your Eelo Ph-1



‘eelo’ is dead !!! the actual name is /e/

so if all people use “eelo” the /e/ will be dead :wink: