[HowTo] Getting an /e/ email and Setting up Thunderbird (Should work for any OS)

Getting an /e/ e-mail

Launch your browser of choice and go to Create an /e/ account . I am in Private Mode to avoid conflicts with my main account I use on /e/ .

Click on the “Register here for your free account”

Which takes you to the “/e/ account creation page” . Now you need an e-mail account to create an e-mail account. I suggest an Outlook.com account, or Google Gmail account. Choice is yours.

Once you have filled in the email address that you are going to receive the invite at, click on “Request Invitation!” button.

In your e-mail address, you will find an email invite from /e/ to sign up. Click the link, and a browser page will open that looks like :

(The URL https://welcome.ecloud.global does not work. I tried.)

I am going to use the name “Donut Tester” to hopefully remove domain collision from using “John Doe” or “Test User”. Any relation to a real person, living or dead, is coincidental.

NOTES on Usernames:

NO CAPITAL LETTERS! No CamelCase Either!

numbers, lowercase, and some punctuation are all acceptable.

The rejection of UPPER CASE letters made my sparse hair even sparser as I was trying to create an account for an acquaintance. I had just successfully created my account and could not figure out why this account was being rejected. Turns out I had a capital letter in the username. If your username is rejected, check for an Upper Case letter as you may have put one in without noticing.


Installing Thunderbird

Using either this link Thunderbird Site to download , or your favorite OS application store/repository , to please install Mozilla Thunderbird. Connecting your /e/ email to Thunderbird is the scope of this document.

I am using Ubuntu 19.10 and installing Thunderbird from the Application store. Currently (Jan 5,2020) the version of Thunderbird listed is 60.3.0 and is tagged from the beta channel. I did nothing other than hit “Install” from the Application store.

Setting Up Thunderbird

After installing Thunderbird, I am presented with :

Overlaid on :

Changing the account settings to what I setup:

Clicking continue:

Auto configuring :

Successful auto configure:

Click Done:

Checking login credentials:

If successful, auto-closes login credentials and pops up an integration dialog. Your best choice on the options (no bad choice). I skipped integration. :

Sending myself an e-mail, from one e-mail to another. Because otherwise it is lonely:

We have installed, and configured e-mail for /e/ in Thunderbird.

Copyright/Copyleft and other notes

Exclusive to /e/, descendant organizations, and their agents while acting for /e/ or its descendant organizations CC:BY-SA .

Quick edits in the reply.
Constrictive Criticisms, please e-mail me.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


It does not work with my thunderbird. Any different idea? I tried username without @e.email or different ports. Any knows problems with thunderbird? Thanx

Hi! I’ve been trying to use my Contacts that I have in my e.email account to get synchronized with my Thunderbird and I couldn’t configure it yet.
What would be the name of the server? Not ecloud.global?
What about the other fields?
Thank you so much


LDAP is not available for /e/ Cloud contacts.
Latest Thunderbird (not tested here …) should be able to connect to CardDAV, using something similar as for Rainloop : Sync contacts in Webmail on Rainloop

You need to use the TbSync addon in Thunderbird.

Install and activate the addon, then add details of your eCloud account. and your Contacts and Calendars will be available in the Thunderbird Address Book and Calendar

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  1. is it possible to use https://murena.io to host thunderbird attachments ?
    I mean when using FileLink (Nextcloud and ownCloud) to avoid sending big attachments.
    What is the URL to use then ?
  2. if yes, what about oauth to identify from TB

I want to use different identities on Thunderbird to send my email.
I’ve set that identies in Thundebird and online in the murena.io app.
When I try to send an email from Thunderbird , I’ve an error message : Smtp reject the sending email.
How van I solve that ?

Best regards



Does the additional identity work in webmail?
In Thunderbird, did you also add an SMTP entry for the additional identity?

Hi Sylvain,

the additionak identity doesn’t work in webmail.

My additionnal identity, is the one used with my own domain. E mails are redirected to my murena box.

In thunderbird, I want to use murena smtp with that additional identity. So I have not added an smtp entry. I want to use the mail.ecloud.global smtp server.

It works with ecomail my past mail account.



Nope, it won’t work, never. Murena SMTP is restricted to existing Murena (murena.io or e.email) accounts.
In Thunderbird, you’ll have to use the SMTP server for your domain.

Also, Murena webmail won’t allow custom domains.

Sorry, that’s the way it is.

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