First we need a so-called .vcf file, this file can be created using different techniques.
On a Mac:
Open contacts application, click “All Contacts” then go to File>Export. Save the file.
On Windows/Linux
Go to login and click click “Contacts”
Go to the lower left of the page and click select all:
Now click Export vCard:
Now it wil ask to open or save the .vfc file, choose save:
Ok, now we have a .vcf file.
Next step is to import it on our /e/ drive. Go to your e drive login and click on “Contacts”.
Go to the lower left click on the gearwheel and choose import into:
Select your .vcf file as described above and click open:
Now the contacts will flow in:
When you are logged in on your /e/ phone, the contacts will sync to your phone.
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