[HOWTO] Install /e/ on Motorola Moto G7 (River)

Sorry, I don’t know anything about the dual SIM problems or fixes. If you are still using the /e/ ROM, then notify the builder of that ROM about the issue. S/He might have come across this before in a different build and could apply the fix.

Thx, very nice description, I succeeded with my Moto G7,
I wanted to add yet as I used Manjaro to install it,
I had to use sudo with ADB and fastboot commands,
also important, on Arch / Manjaro you need the
the packages ‘android-udev’ and ‘android-tools’ for it
to work, I also installed MTP protocol where I am not
sure if it is needed.

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I realize OP/thread is pretty old, but I used it to flash /e/OS onto my Moto G7 River a few days ago. Al went well, so thanks. I did not attempt the 2nd part of the instructions re: Magisk, but would like to do so know.

– 1) I am worried that if I do what’s needed that it will entail a complete wipe of the phone…is that the case? i.e. If I root with Magisk at this point, will I have to re-flash/re-install anything other than the Magisk file?

– 2) When I search internet, there is a bit of outdated descriptions and walkthroughs and screenshots and dead links to weed through for doing this part so that I am pretty confused. The two links that seem best right now for me are:

Installation | Magisk

Step-by-step guide on how I install Magisk using adb · GitHub

I’ve installed the Magisk Manager APK on my phone and it indicates I do have a boot ramdisk. The instructions on the official Magisk site on Github (above) indicate “If your device has boot ramdisk, get a copy of the boot.img (or init_boot.img if exists).” And that is where I am lost.

Any insights or guidance would be appreciated at this point. Thanks.

Open the /e/ installation .ZIP…

My ADB folder looks like 1st image below. It has two files in it re: “*.river.zip”: one for TWRP, and one for /e/. 2nd image below is first level contents of the /e/ install zip (I assume the one of interest?), and 3rd image below is first level contents of the TWRP zip (not the one of interest, just including for completeness). Even drilling down further into these archives, neither of these zips contain any file with name matching *boot.img. I am re-downloading original /e/ install zip file from /e/OS dev river download as I write, just to make sure, but I’ve no reason to thing thereis “boot.img” file anywhere it.

Am I just missing something obvious?

:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign:

:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign:

:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign:

Ok, in this particular build, boot.img file is hiden into the payload.bin file
So try using the LineageOS one here : LineageOS Downloads

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Yep…that’s what I concluded as well since the payload file was only one of any size in that archive

Ahhh…LineageOS…Yes! I had forgotten that /e/ is forked from (or at lease based off of) LineageOS code base. Thanks!

There is a command to list the content of the payload file,

./payload-dumper-go -l e-2.6.3-u-20241217455391-community-river.zip

(thanks to @aibd) [Walkthrough] Extract eRecovery and boot images using payload-dumper-go

And another command to extract the wanted boot.img file

./payload-dumper-go -o OutputFolder -p boot e-2.6.3-u-20241217455391-community-river.zip