[HOWTO] Installing Banking Apps

I’ve been using /e/ OS now from end of november 2020 first at unofficial build for Redmi Note 8T and since first official build was released I started from scratch using it. I’m not sure is there some benefits for installing busybox etc. and am I doing things “wrong” way? Anyway here what I do:

  1. Install Magisk from XDA like mentioned in this how to, using TWRP to install.

  2. After phone starts up, open Magisk manager and go to settings and enable MagiskHide under Magisk section. I also use ADB only or Disabled at Superuser Access section.

  3. In my case banking apps checks is Magisk manager is installed, so it’s needed to use “Hide the Magisk app” and give it custom name. After Magisk upgrade you might have to go settings and use “Restore the Magisk app” and after that use “Hide the Magisk app” function again. After hiding, magisk might restart / close & you have 2 shortcut to app at least if using Bliss launcher, you can remove Magisk manager shortcut and leave the one you renamed.

  4. Install needed banking apps from aurora store, but don’t open those yet!*

  5. Open renamed Magisk manager select shield icon and MagiskHide from there & tick checkmark to your banking apps. Go back and you can close Magisk manager by now.

  6. Now it’s time to try opening your banking app for the first time! I usually do restart to phone just in case before this. Anyway now banking apps should work.

  • The reason I recommend not to open banking apps at all before Magisk is fully configured, is that some Apps (ie. Pivo [fi.op.android.lompsa]) is one of those which recocnized Magisk Manager by name (also for some names added to guides in Finnish forums). It does not only do that, but it also will save some information that app cannot be used because of developer mode and clearing app cache & data won’t help after that even when Magisk is configured. But if first configuring Magisk, then starting app for the first time, everything seems to work.

But like said, I don’t know what are downsides with this method, compared to the first post. But with this way even NFC payment with Pivo works.


Yes Dear, It works.
My finance apk has started.
Is there any Security problem with this way of rooting etc.?


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Another Finn here! Let’s talk in Finnish :grinning:
Mä olen ihan uusi /e/ os -käyttäjä. Ongelma on sama kuin sulla. OP-mobiili valittaa ruuttauksesta. Pivosta oon luopunut jo kauan sitten sen Google -riippuvuuden takia. Mä en kerta kaikkiaan uskalla lähteä tekemään noita sun kertomia vaiheita läpi, koska olen ihan tavallinen kännykän käyttäjä, joka haluaa pysyä erossa Googlesta. Onnistuisin varmasti tekemään jonkin peruuttamattoman virheen, jota ainakaan itse en pystyisi korjaamaan. Olisiko sulla ehdotuksia? Tällä hetkellä mä voin hoitaa pankkiasiat vaikka mun Sailfish -Sonylla. Se vaan on vähän turhaa lisäsähläystä.

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Well, I suppose it’s OK to write bit Finnish here too, but I will give a link to English blog post.

Sanoisin että jos ei halua “kikkailla” noiden juttujen kanssa, kannattaa jokin tovi käyttää kakkospuhelimella pankki juttuja. Vuosi 2021 tuo mukana uudistuksia joiden myötä toivottavasti myös pankkisovellukset alkavat toimimaan ilman kikkailua… Siitä lisää tuolla (SafetyNet osuus):

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Thank you! Looking forward to those improvements you mentioned. I’ll use my Sailfish Sony for banking until then. Google sucks, /e/ rocks. :slight_smile:

  1. toukokuuta 2021 5.05.12 GMT+03:00 huuhaa via /e/ community community@e.email kirjoitti:

| huuhaa
May 8 |

  • | - |

Well, I suppose it’s OK to write bit Finnish here too, but I will give a link to English blog post.

Sanoisin että jos ei halua “kikkailla” noiden juttujen kanssa, kannattaa jokin tovi käyttää kakkospuhelimella pankki juttuja. Vuosi 2021 tuo mukana uudistuksia joiden myötä toivottavasti myös pankkisovellukset alkavat toimimaan ilman kikkailua… Siitä lisää tuolla (SafetyNet osuus):

/e/ & 2021: the year everything is going to change (2/2) — A product roadmap Community

This article was intially posted on Gaël Duval’s blog on April 29th, 2021. [1 5deTxryIBV3Uv6_KDFyWzg] Credit: unknown In the first part of this article, we explained that /e/ has a primary focus on user’s data privacy, circular economy and energy, and that it is fully inline with the global trend seeking to reduce the negative impact of tech in general and helping creating a new paradigm to build a better world. Do you want to know more about what we are going to do with the /e/OS user inte…

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– Lähetetty /e/ Mailista.

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Thank you, man! Looking forward to the forth coming improvements you mentioned. I’ll use my Sailfish Sony for banking until then.

  1. toukokuuta 2021 5.05.12 GMT+03:00 huuhaa via /e/ community community@e.email kirjoitti:

| huuhaa
May 8 |

  • | - |

Well, I suppose it’s OK to write bit Finnish here too, but I will give a link to English blog post.

Sanoisin että jos ei halua “kikkailla” noiden juttujen kanssa, kannattaa jokin tovi käyttää kakkospuhelimella pankki juttuja. Vuosi 2021 tuo mukana uudistuksia joiden myötä toivottavasti myös pankkisovellukset alkavat toimimaan ilman kikkailua… Siitä lisää tuolla (SafetyNet osuus):

/e/ & 2021: the year everything is going to change (2/2) — A product roadmap Community

This article was intially posted on Gaël Duval’s blog on April 29th, 2021. [1 5deTxryIBV3Uv6_KDFyWzg] Credit: unknown In the first part of this article, we explained that /e/ has a primary focus on user’s data privacy, circular economy and energy, and that it is fully inline with the global trend seeking to reduce the negative impact of tech in general and helping creating a new paradigm to build a better world. Do you want to know more about what we are going to do with the /e/OS user inte…

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

– Lähetetty /e/ Mailista.

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Hello, is there any safety issues by doing these operations with ROM and Magiskdisk as described? Will the encryption of dataflow be granted?
If we want to spread E OS usage, we need to provide the right solutions to all daily usage apps (as banking unfortunately) otherwise we must use Groooogle phone as complementary. I hope we can fix it asap. Thanks


It’s been a while since I tuned into this thread but I wanted to point out something: Check if you can upgrade your android version of /e/. I’m on a OnePlus 5T and on Oreo my Barclays app protested about root access but since switching to Pie it works flawlessly, obviously thats just my experience on my device between those mentioned versions, but generally worth a shot


I installed /e/ Q unofficial. My banking app didnt work and then i went to /e/ pie Official.
But still it doesnt work. It says device is rooted. Though device is not rooted. Maybe it is because boot loader is unlocked.


oh, thats sad, my bootloader is unlocked as well, maybe i’m just a lucky case then :confused:


Can someone please share experience running Revolut, Paysera, Wise and eventually Monzo + HSBC UK apps?

I tested the Aurora store in BlueStack and to my utter surprise it installs successfully all the apps and I managed to initiate them without issues (I haven’t tried to login though cause for some of them this means device migration). There is no guarantee, of course, it will be the same on a Murena phone as Aurora store fetches apps based on the model of the device. If Play Store does not recognize it for whatever reason…bye bye banking.

Why do I say utter surprise - Revolut was crashing when I installed via Play Store in BlueStacks. Somehow it was detecting this is an emulator underneath.

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Here is what worked for me on Android 10, Oneplus 5T.

  • Downloaded Magisk 24.x from its official Github repo as APK.
  • Renamed APK extension to ZIP
  • Pushed it to device’s storage (/sdcard)
  • Rebooted into TWRP recovery
  • Installed Magisk’s zip file from there
  • Once booted and launched Magisk for the first time, let it continue the installation process.

Now Magisk is operational. There is no need to enable root, it has to remain disabled.

Fixing banking apps is described in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Magisk/comments/sd6a01/help_magisk_hide_in_2400/. More specifically:

Also (not mentioned in the post), hide Magisk app by clicking the corresponding button in its settings.


The Bunq app on Android uses way too many trackers and permissions. More than double that of other Dutch bank apps, like the one from ABN Amro. The Triodos Bank is very respectful of privacy, as it uses only one or two trackers.

See here:

(The Exodus privacy search is an eye-opener. Its ratings are integrated into the /e/ Apps store. I would recommend to check each new app on that platform before using it, when downloading from another store.)

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Why is your bootloader still unlocked? The instruction I got when flashing /e/ is to lock the bootloader once I’m finished flashing… It’s unsafe to leave it open, if you’re not very technical.

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I was not aware that there is a way to lock the bootloader again after installing /e/ on a onePlus 5t. Afaik only certain phones allow that functionality such as the pixel range or the fairphones due to restrictions put into place by the phone manufacturers. But if you know how to do it, please do tell me, I’d be keen to know.

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Sorry if this is coming late, but when I had tried it Monzo worked completely fine. Same with the halifax, Barclays, Wise, N26 and Starling (Barlcays app said my phone was rooted on the android 8 version of /e/ but its been working perfectly since android 9).
With all the banking apps you’ll most likely have to download, install and update with aurora though since the /e/ store is missing many of them. In the netherlands I tried ABN amro as well which also works fine with one single caveat: In the bank account registration process a selfie had to be taken and that seemed to rely on some missing library. Had to borrow someones phone to register for my account to just get past that specific step, but after registration everything worked perfectly.
Generally the only app I have had issues with was the NHS app. But using the nhs covid pass service lets you get a qr code which i saved within my greenPass app

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I don’t have the option to ’ scroll down to ‘Magisc Core Only Mode’ , and under Settings - Trust i only see :point_down:

I got some of my danish apps(minlæge, medicinkort) to work, but login with the ‘nemid-app’ won’t work as to security reasons.

Latest magisk is installed.

But thx :+1:

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Infos and guides about
New Magisk root and new root hide feature

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On the instruction set I followed it was a requirement to lock the bootloader. Here’s a copy-paste of that bit:

Locking the Bootloader

Once you have completed the above steps and before rebooting you can and should lock your Bootloader.

  1. Boot your device into bootloader if not already there, and plug it to your computer
  2. Lock critical partitition with the following command
  • fastboot flashing lock_critical
  • Approve with Voume + then power
  1. Reboot again your device into bootloader, and plug it to your computer
  2. Lock the device with the following command
  • fastboot flashing lock
  • Approve with Voume + then power
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May I ask you to post the link to the instruction set? I have not seen this in the one provided on the /e/ foundation website here

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