[HOWTO] Update /e/

Version française disponible ici.

Hi community ! :slight_smile:

After seeing here how to install /e/ easily on a Samsung smartphone with Windows, we will see how to update ANY smartphone under /e/.

1) Updating with a computer

  1. Download the new version available for your device to your computer.

  2. Put your smartphone in recovery mode, i.e. access TWRP.

  3. Connect your smartphone to your computer.

  4. Copy/paste the previously downloaded .zip folder into the internal storage of your smartphone, outside the TWRP folder.

  5. On your smartphone, in the TWRP main menu, click on “Install”.

  6. Go down at 2) B) 3) below.

2) OTA update

To update with OTA (Over The Air, i. e. without a computer) :

  1. Go to Settings > System > About the phone > System updates
    (May vary if /e/ for your device is based on Android Nougat and not Oreo as here)

  2. Click on the 3 small dots at the top right then “Preferences” and activate “Delete updates once installed” to save storage space.

  3. If a new version is available, click on “DOWNLOAD”.

  4. Once the update has been downloaded, click on “INSTALL”.

  5. Read the confirmation message and press “OK” to continue.

A) Cases where the Update is done automatically

Congratulations, I wasn’t so lucky.

B) Cases where the update must be done manually

The smartphone has restarted in recovery mode, i. e. TWRP has opened and you are in the main menu.

  1. Click on “Install”.

  2. We are going to go to the folder where the update was downloaded.
    Click on “(Up A Level)” > “data” > “lineageos_updates”.

  3. Click on the .zip file corresponding to the desired update.

  4. To confirm your smartphone’s flash, slide the “Swipe to confirm Flash” arrow from left to right.

  5. A blue loading bar should appear. After a few minutes at most, the installation is completed.

    If you encounter an error 7, refer to this topic.

  6. Click on “Wipe cache/dalvik” at the bottom left, confirm if necessary.

  7. Click on “Reboot System”.

WARNING: As time goes by, the downloaded updates will take up a lot of space on your storage space if you have not enabled the “Delete updates once installed” option in the “Preferences” of the update page. Feel free to delete them using TWRP:

  1. In the TWRP main menu, click on “Advanced”.

  2. Click on “File Manager”.

  3. Go to data/lineageos_updates.

  4. Click on the update file that you no longer need.

  5. Click on “Delete” and confirm if necessary.

Et voilà ! You can now enjoy /e/ with the latest features and patches :wink:

For any question or remark, do not hesitate, this tutorial is intended to be precise to the word.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


@Anonyme what if we don’t use Windows?
For me, Ubuntu os is the very best…:smirk:
@Anonyme Thank you for making the post!!!
Its no good to me (unless I switch) but I really appreciate the hard work you did!

Actually this tutorial can be done with Ubuntu easily, because I suppose Linux’s users know how to put a file in the internal storage of a phone without a screen :yum:

And for my other tutorial about how to install /e/ on a Samsung phone, yes Odin is only for Windows, but begginers have windows so I let Linux’s users find another way (like Wine maybe) :wink:

But of course, I agree, complete howto’s for each computer OS and all brands of phone would be better, that’s why everybody is invited to make good howto’s. It’s free, it takes juste a couple of hours and helps make /e/ a more user-friendly OS :slight_smile:


Great ! done ! with galaxy s6. somme troubles to have "added " and to reboot in twrp but finaly after some tries everythings are ok. Big thanks.

Thanks for the How-To. Worked like a charm on a Samsung S6 Edge.

Thanks! It worked just as you described with my J5! I am not stuck to the 0.6 version anymore! Also, I had to install the latest version of TWRP available for J5 in another repo than the official website as you indicated to me in another post. Thanks for helping the newbies like me!

Thanks for the update @martin3418 and thanks for helping out @Anonyme

This tutorial was great for learning how to install updates OTA but doesn’t explain how to put a smartphone in recovery mode to access TWRP to install updates using a computer or to delete unwanted update files.

It’s all explained as a side introduction about how to install TWRP :

… a manually update can be made …


Note: This feature requires a compatible Recovery or updates will need to be installed manually. (© Source)

An addition of manually updating would round off the [HOWTO] Update /e/ in itself.

J’ai découvert tout le travail de /e/ et je trouve ça génial !
Quelle connerie de mettre au rebut nos appareils qui sont encore en état simplement parce que la rom est obsolète !
Merci beaucoup pour ce tuto. Je vais réutiliser mon note 2 avec plaisir ! Bravo !

“It’s Lombard Street to a China orange”. It’s a fact that the devices are more vulnerable to security if they don’t get hardware dependent improvements from the manufacturers over the years.

But it’s thanks to “The LineageOS Project” and other custom ROM developers as well as /e/ OS that devices neglected and abandoned by the manufacturers can still be used with current operating systems.

Worked on my Galaxy S7 thanks !
Just a few precisions :

  • if your device is encrypted, you’ll have to enter your password at TWRP startup
  • you can also delete old updates directly in the OTA update app via the “delete” button

Does the flashing process (“updating with a computer”) delete the user data?
What happens when I need to update a phone with multiple accounts / profiles?
Are user profiles deleted when upgrading the Android version, e.g. from pie to r or from q to r?

No, the whole of the /system partition is replaced. This has the benefit that /e/ version updates are not incremental, you can “jump” an /e/ version if you need / want to.

  • What happens when I need to update a phone with multiple accounts / profiles?

The phone returns to exactly how you left it as regards to all your personal content. It is always good to learn and practice backing up (just in case). I have never had loss of data with an /e/ version update.

It is a good idea before applying any update to check the 3 dot menu top right to see that you are getting the version you expect and that you are not (for some very unusual reason) being offered an Android version upgrade.

  • Are user profiles deleted when upgrading the Android version, e.g. from pie to r or from q to r?

You find you are nearly always required to delete the /data partition in the process of Android upgrade. Generally there are no entry level ways to back up the data partition and transfer across Android versions.

Where personal stuff is backed up on eCloud, this of course returns after an upgrade.

I find it best to research the best way to backup each app that is important to me and not covered by eCloud.