[HOWTO] Use the BlissLauncher

Hi @Manoj

I have this version. I cleared data cache storage for Open Weather Map and that does not seem to work. Ah so an existing issue on the q build.

Bliss Launcher has Location permission too.

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Thought I would add this error on the weather app widget.

Enabling location makes no difference.

Open Weather now working after v0.12~ 83843 update.

Thanks! After uninstalling Island, I had a spaceholder for the clone of the Files app. After clear storage / clear data, it was gone.

Hint :
Wiping Bliss Launcher’s cache will reset the order of the icons on the screen and sort them alphabetically ! :slight_smile:

After some time of looking for information, I decided to put my question into this topic. Hope it directly relates to BlissLauncher - I just learned about that name here.
While I was trying to rearrange icons on “home screen”, I accidentally combined two apps into one “folder” (would I call this an “app folder”?) and now I can’t find a way to remove them, not able to bring individual apps back to home screen. There was no intuitive way to solve it (moving and deleting apps is very easy and intuitive, though). Here a screenshot, thx for helping:

Edit: I found another post mentioning that particular problem (and linking to gitlab for issue reporting), but there seems to be no real answer, just a “workaround” mentioned. The topic is from August 2020: App folders bug - #4 by Rik

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Hi @cyber_nett, The way it should work: single tap on the folder to enlarge it , move one one app out by hold and drag.

But make space on the page first


Thanks for your answer, @chrisrg. EXACTELY, the problem occurs because there is no more space for icons on the screen where the folder is. Trying to drag an icon out of the folder will result in a system message saying “No more room in page”. No such problem once the folder is on the second screen or if there is at least one empty icon space on the screen where the folder is.
My conclusion: There won’t be a new screen made available automatically just by dragging app icons out of a folder. Was a bit frustrating for me, but I realize now that this probably helps to keep different screens apart from each other and organized.
My solution and example of a screen where dragging out the app icon from the folder isn’t a problem anymore:

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How can I change the backing image?


Boot into TWRP, format data, flash LOS, wipe cache/dalvik, reboot…

/me → [ ]

Seriously, what v/e/rsion ? In eOS-0.16-surnia:

  • settings > screen > style > back-right ‘homescreen’ > browse and choose…

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Thanks, I found it by myself too. I expected that there would be an option on Bliss Launcher to do so, when long pressing in no-launcher

On a brand jew Fairphone3+ bought directly from /e/ OS (latest version of /e/ updated) I have a range of applications that are installed (e. g. Magic Earth) but do not appear on the Bliss launcher.

At this moment the only way I see for launching this kind of app is getting to the general settings, then Applications, then finding it, the clicking on ‘launch’.
Among others, they don’t even appear in the small apps widget when I start typing their name (which would be a very convoluted behavior already, imposing to retain each name)

I suppose this pathetic behavior results from my not knowing Bliss enough?
Could you help me to bring back their launch icons within Bliss?



Clean install, e-0.19-q surnia (official) 20211027

MagicEarth is ‘Maps’…


Merci Trefix!
En effet…
Est-ce que je comprends correctement que TOUT ce qu’on installe apparaît obligatoirement dans le lanceur (quitte à l’expédier dans un sous-dossier d’un écran secondaire)?
C’est quand même très inhabituel comme fonctionnement pour quiconque arrive sur /e/ en provenance de n’importe quel autre smartphone…
Merci encore!


Oui, c’est le fonctionnement par défaut, en effet, pour les applications tierces. Je n’ai jamais un d’iphone, je ne sais pas si ce comportement en est copié ou inspiré.

Je sais par contre qu’il est très difficile de ranger les lanceurs selon ses goûts, même si sur ce point la version 0.19 semble enfin plus “souple”. Mais nécessite toujours une bonne dose de patience.


“Do I understand correctly that EVERYTHING you install must appear in the launcher ?”

Yes, this is default, indeed, for third party apps. I’ve never had an iPhone, I don’t know if this behaviour is copied or inspired by it.

I do know that it is very difficult to arrange the launchers according to your taste, even if version 0.19 finally seems more “flexible” on this point. But it still requires a good dose of patience.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Je n’ai jamais eu d’iPhone non plus, j’arrive juste d’une décennie d’usage de téléphones Android “ordinaires” imposés par mon employeur, récemment des Samsung…
Sur les lanceurs, j’ai finalement testé plusieurs d’entre eux, et pour l’instant si je devais changer ce serait pour Zim, bien stable et qu’on peut plus largement adapter…

I never had an iPhone, I’m just coming from a dozen year of using ‘ordinary’ employer-supplied Android phones, the latest being Samsungs.
About launchers, I did try some, and if I had to switch now that’d be for Zim, which appears stable and way more flexible…

@Manoj, @Anonyme,

In order to improve Bliss Launcher and avoid to have to do some place before we move an icon on a fully launcher page like what tried @cyber_nett, do we have to do an improvement request or ils it something already planned in roadmap? I encountered too that issue some weeks ago and it’s frustating and not enough easy to use i would say


We have a long list of suggestions and feedback for improving the Launcher :slight_smile: You can check if the issue is already shared or create a new one.

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Indeed, you’re right, this issue has been submitted 9 months ago: Cannot move app icon of a folder (#4024) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab

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Thank you so much, I just bought my murena and was afraid it was already bugged