[HOWTO] Use the Gallery App

Note: Documentation in this section is Work in progress. Help us update it. Help us make /e/ better !!

Icon Gallery Main Screen
gallery_icon gallery_mainscreen


  • Access all images on the smartphone in one Location
  • On a Smartphone synced with ecloud, gallery shows a timeline of photos saved on ecloud

How to use the Gallery app


Options available in the Gallery App taskbar

  • Timeline

    • Photos synced with your ecloud are visible here
  • Albums

    • Albums created on your ecloud will show up here
  • Videos

    • Videos you have save on your phone and on ecloud will appear here

Options available in the gallery top bar


  • On the top right of the Gallery screen you would see three icons.
    • Camera icon

    • Slideshow icon

      • This icon will start a slideshow of photos in your gallery
    • Select icon

      • Use this icon to select all images in your gallery

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gallery app deletes pictures with a swipe up/down?!?

Question: how to also sync screenshots from the /e/OS to eCloud ?

Edit 2020-10-28. Sorry, found it:
The screenshots from my /e/OS are synced to eCloud at \Files\Pictures\Screenshots\
( And the Photos that we see under the Photos header are also at \Files\Photos\OpenCamera\ )

By the way, is there a reason why there is both a \Pictures\ and a \Photos\ ?

Is there a way to add folders on gallery app?

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The gallery is cool but I can not edit photo to make some rotation or reframe which are very usefull. Is it possible to improve this ?

Many thanks for work,

Hi @HekatheGreat,

you asked the question a while ago but if you are still looking for a solution, I would say that if you create a folder using Files app in the folders DCIM > OpenCamera or Pictures, the might appears in Album view.

If it’s what you were looking for…

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