[HOWTO] Use the Tasks App

Note: Documentation in this section is Work in progress. Help us update it. Help us make /e/ better !!

Icon Tasks Main Screen
tasks_icon tasks_mainscreen


  • Open Source Task management for Android
  • By design, 3rd party apps can access all data in OpenTasks, given you’ve granted them the required permissions.
  • OpenTasks is built on the iCalendar VTODO task model as per RFC 5545
  • Syncronize tasks with the ecloud through your /e/ ID

How to use the Tasks app

  • The following five options screens are available
    • Tasks

      • Displays the task lists under My Tasks and Personal category
    • Task Due

      • Display tasks on date - Today - Tommorrow - Next Days - Someday
    • Task starting

      • Display Tasks Already Started, Today, Tommorow, Someday, Later
    • Task Priority

      • Display tasks on priority - High, Medium, Low and Now
    • Task Progress

      • Track progress of tasks - Almost Done - Halfway there - Way to go - Nothing Accomplished - Done
    • Search

      • Search in Task list

Options visible through menu ( right side three dots)

Tasks Menu Option Tasks Settings
tasks_menuoptions tasks_settings

Tasks Menu options

  • shows up on tap of the three dots menu on top right
  • Options available under this are
    • Displayed Lists

      • Shows all the task lists as visible on the main screen
    • Settings

      • set option to Show / Hide task notifications
      • Set option to Show / Hide notification dot
      • Set time interval between notification sounds
    • Show completed tasks

      • Check box if enabled will display all completed tasks
    • Refresh

      • Made changes to your task lists? Refresh them here to display

Known Limitations or Bugs

  • adding completely new task-lists / -categories or effecting a rename of existing task-categories currently requires manual intervention in the AccountManager settings:

    Settings → Accounts → murena Account → My Account → Additional settings for account → (chose large account tile) → (chose “CALENDAR” tab) → either upper right three-dot Menu → Refresh calendar list OR second from bottom with folder-update-icon
  • task repeat / recurrence not (yet) supported

About the Project

  • For more details on OpenTasks app check details here

Hello, thanks for this introduction to use tasks. I have created several lists locally but now I added the Ecloud account to the phone and would like to sync these lists. Is it possible to change the lists into sync lists or do I have to start over? Also, I did not find a way to make a synching list through the app, can I only create these through the browser?

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Tasks om my S8 have never worked on cloud, while was working on S2 tablet.

I’ve therefore switched to https://tasks.org/ which apparently works since a couple of weeks

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Lots of us have the same problem synching external Nextcloud accounts with Tasks.
Even asking developers to fix that, they don’t!


Yes, I know. I must also confess my lazyness in not opening an issue on Gitlab for this.

I dont know if it helps your case, but now, with “deck” (app in the eCloud) you can manage task lists. I dont know if it is possible too with the deck client apps available, but give it a try.
Just remember to refresh your calendar list in the config -> account -> /e/user -> manager account -> caldav tab -> 3dots -> update calendar list, in your phone. Then refresh the lists in the task app.

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For the moment I can’t see any deck app on my eCloud, but I will check if it will appear in the future. Thanks @aleam.

Hi. You have to choose witch apps will apear. In eCloud, click in the picture-profile in up-right corner (in the side of the ring bell notification). Then choose configuration. Then “classify apps”.


The list ‘Personal’ that was there to start with is syncing between my phone and my /e/ account in the browser. Any items I add on one appear on the other.
But if I make a new list on the browser it does not appear on my phone, and conversely if I make it on my phone it says ‘local’ and does not appear on the browser. The ‘Personal’ list has my e.email address underneath it instead of ‘local’.
I can’t see a way to change anything, the settings for a list only allow me to change the name and colour.
Any ideas?

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(post deleted by author)


I finally managed to solve task sync problem on my phone.

On ecloud.global/apps/tasks, make sure there is a list (“Steph tasks” as I am concerned)

On the phone

  • Go to settings/account then /e/ then “account extra settings”
  • click on your xxxx@e.email account
  • Go to section “caldav”
  • Click on the 3 vertical dots then “update the list of calendars”
    → Your list appears in the calendar list

If you go to see in the tasks app, it is there too

  • Create a task
  • Wait for the sync time and see that it is also on ecloud.global/apps/tasks

I have the same problem. I would like lists other than the default “Personal” to sync to the cloud and be visible from my laptop, and viceversa.
Anyone knows if this is possible and how to do it?

I had the same problem, I wanted to synchronize with another nexcloud account. It seems that the Tasks App is closed with e.cloud. There is certainly a good reason but it would be nice to tell us why :slight_smile:

I installed from F-Droid : DAVx5 and Open Tasks, and my problem is solved.
And I ignore Tasks App.


Open Tasks is a good Choice :+1:

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I got it to work when you add your nextcloud account as a webDAV account in your phones settings you can click on it there on Account extra settings then their is another account list where you have to click on the account and then you should find all your tasks and calendars where you can choose which to sync

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I think a “current limitations” or “known bugs” section is warranted for Tasks, as at least 2 users in this thread struggled with getting newly created or renamed task-categories/-lists from the remote onto their device. @Manoj, are you fine with me editing this in?

When users rename the task-category (a calendar basically), the new task-list-title currently isn’t synced implicitly back to the device but needs manual intervention. This came up recently at Tasks titles fail to sync between Murena Cloud and phone app - #13 by tcecyk

There’s no gitlab backlog issue yet on this, but upstream there is talk at https://github.com/dmfs/opentasks/issues/313#issuecomment-1372981304

The initial post is editable. You can add / update details to it.