Huawei Health App

I would like to see the Hauwei health app in the App Lounge, because i have a huawei smartwatch.

Honor Health are already in the App Lounge and also Garmin Connect and Samsung Health.

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The app is no longer available on the Play Store so also not in the App Lounge.

The only solution now is to download the Huawei Health app from Huawei’s AppGallery and install it on your Android phone.

I don’t know if this is possible for /e/OS… you can try to download the APK here :

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Ik kon de APK naar mijn telefoon kopieren en daar de Huawei AppGallery installeren.
wel even toestaan en na de installatie de Appgallery verwijderd. (om updaten te voorkomen)

Zoals in het artikel hierboven beschreven zou deze app wel moeten kunnen updaten via de Google Playstore, maar ik weet alleen niet of die update dan ook zichtbaar word in de AppLounge.