I can’t open or edit files in Nextcloud app 3.28.2

Hi all,

When I try to open a file in the Nextcloud app 3.28.2 with “OpenDocument reader”, I see this error:
“Couldn’t find file. Maybe it doesn’t exist any longer?”

I found an inconvenient workaround:

The files from Nextcloud are on my phone stored in:

You can open the files directly from there with a 3rd party editing app like collabora office, but I think it does not sync back to the cloud then.

I think the error/bug is caused by sandboxing for security reasons.

But how can I fix this issue? I just want to edit synced files from nextcloud on /e/ OS

I read on this forum other users had no problem with Nextcloud, how did they do it?


I found that Nextcloud works fine with onlyoffice app on my phone and I can edit and save files perfectly now, but I would prefer Collabora as an editor.

Is there a way to do this? I can’t seem to install collabora on my nextcloud server as it’s not self-hosted but maybe I’m missing something.

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