I’ve just built the image for the smartphone above. I still have to test it because I’ll have the phone ready next week, but in case someone brave wants to take the step before here they are:
Just flashed to my Redmi 3: some minor glitches but it seems to work well!!
P.S. if anyone is curious it took ~12h to build /e/ on a shared VPS. info here
@maxxer great to hear that you were able to build for the Redmi 3. You are right the initial build takes a long time. Basically it is because Docker tries to download the internet As you are aware you can check the progress in the logs. Subsequent builds should not take more than 1-2 hours depending on your build machine specs.
Also the CPU time wasn’t trivial.
Anyway while chatting on Telegram I found out these unifficial builds doesn’t include MicroG, I had to manually flash it! If you can report it to who wrote the documentation it would be great.
@maxxer on the part regarding MicroG not getting added to unofficial builds let me take it to the dev team. Will update you on the feedback from the team.
@maxxer I shared the info with the development team. They also use the same code from the same branch to build the official and custom ROM’s. Please can you share some log files to help debug this issue. Both the repo and the device specific logs from docker would be helpful.
Here they are:
Thanks @maxxer will share the same and have the team check on this.
@maxxer while going through the log we found MicroG missing. Just wanted to check what was the command you passed to Docker to build the ROM. Would it be possible for you to share the same here?
It’s the command of the tutorial, just with ido device.
docker run -v "/e/src:/srv/src:delegated" -v "/e/zips:/srv/zips:delegated" -v "/e/logs:/srv/logs:delegated" -v "/e/ccache:/srv/ccache:delegated" -e "BRANCH_NAME=eelo-0.1" -e "DEVICE_LIST=ido" -e "CUSTOM_PACKAGES='GmsCore GsfProxy FakeStore Telegram Signal Mail BlissLauncher BlissIconPack MozillaNlpBackend YahooWeatherProvider AccountManager MagicEarth MuPDF OpenCamera eDrive Weather Notes Tasks NominatimNlpBackend Light'" -e "SIGNATURE_SPOOFING=restricted" -e "OTA_URL=https://ota.ecloud.global/api" -e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android.git" registry.gitlab.e.foundation:5000/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:latest
thanks…this is the same as in the tutorial. Let us check this and get back.
@maxxer One more check …
Please can you see if in /e/src/EELO_0.1/prebuilt/prebuiltapks/GmsCore, it has these files:
unfortunately I was short in disk space and I had to delete source
No, I haven’t rebuild it ever since. I was considering doing now, as it seem to be much improved since when I did it.
But if you can manage to make them build officially, it’s probably better
Oh, by the way I just published another build.
Beware it’s untested!!
HI @blackpoint is there any difference in the firmware between the MiUI’s you are using and the previous versions. There may have been some improvements made which are not carrying forward to the /e/ or LOS ROMs.
I have a xiaomi redmi 3 pro ready for /e/ it’s the same with redmi 3 the only difference is ram I hope to.put that unofficial firmware to my phone and after that I will put it to my s8 plus