Impossible to connect usb key to a teracube with e 1.18


In the french forum, a user find a bug.
With my teracube I can confirm that it’s now impossible to connect a usb key to a teracube with the last update 1.18.
How can we upload the info to the developers?


The best way to pass on this information to the developers would be to raise an issue on Gitlab. If raising an issue for the first time this guide would help.
That way the developer can directly interact with the user and ask for logs or any additional information as required.

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Yes i dit it
Issue 7679

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I’m going to be testing with v1.19.1 on my 2e/emerald.

Can you describe the USB drive itself (connector, capacity, filesystem)?

The teracube cannot find usb key.
The problem is be living by somes persons in french forum.
I test on my tercube and I saw it.
In the teracube, the controlled USB connection has disappeared. If you go to settings, search for USB, you click connected devices >USB, you will see that the controlled USB connection section above use USB connection for, has vanished. I compared it with my Pixel 3 to which works

Image from pixel 3a

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Confirming behavior on my 2e emerald with v1.19.1.

Works properly on my Pixel5 redfin with v1.18.0, and my One ruby with mainline Android 10.

My email domains are blocked from signing up for the issue tracker so :person_shrugging:

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Looks like kernel module is there, but maybe userspace is broken?

Maybe userspace, I don’t know, but it’s clear that is a problem who touch a lot and maybe all teracube 2 e.
I created a issue on Gitlab.
I’m sure developpers will resolve this little problem :slight_smile:


Hello ! Thnak you for having created the issue on Gitlab. Same problem here since version e/OS 1.17 on my Teracube 2e. I installed the latest version this morning (1.19) and the problem is still here, can’t use my OTG USB key :smiling_face_with_tear:
I hope they will find soon how to solve that…


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