Impossible to open the file

Hello to all,

When I download a pdf file, and I click on the arrow at the top of the fairphone, I always get the message “file cannot be opened”.
When I use the file manager and I go to the file location, there is no problem.

  • whether the download is done on SD card or internally, it’s the same.
  • same with Brave or Brower.

I didn’t have this problem until now, I don’t see what could have changed.

Thanks for your help,

It would be good to know the app where the arrow is at the top. Because probably the app is the problem.

What is the same? No problem or problem?

Thanks for your answer.

point 1 : How can I now wich application it is? Your right it is probably the problem
point 2 : same problems when I change brower or location

the only way is to use file manager.

You started it before?

If you don’t know it tap on the square button in the bottom right. Before any app is closed the OS shows this screen where the app name is visible.

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand.

  1. I close all applications
  2. I open Brave and download the pdf
  3. I tap on the square at the bottom right : there is only Brave

I have to leave now, if you answer me, I could test only this afternoon. In any case, thank you irrlicht for helping me.

Then Brave is the app. But Brave should be able to open a PDF file.

You’re right.
So I’ve done the same “protocol” with Browser (native from e-solutions), it said that “download ok” at location : “storage android/data/foundation…browser/files/download” but in fact it is at interal/download.

So for Browser or Brave, Download are ok, but I need to use file manager to open the file.

it looks like a mix in the file associations, but I don’t know android well.