Installation sur galaxy S8

Surprenant pour le A5. Au dos du téléphone j’ai bien sm-G950F.

Exactement une erreur

lsusb en mode odin :slight_smile:

Bus 004 Device 018: ID 04e8:685d Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd GT-I9100 Phone [Galaxy S II] (Download mode)

Encore une fois - mauvais téléphone !

Easy Installer est dans snap mais …

Vous semblez partager cette erreur avec

Je ne comprends rien là.

Je suis désolée.

Ma traduction est-elle mauvaise ?

N’est pas

Pouvez-vous me montrer un journal (log in English) de Easy Installer comme décrit ici ?

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ce n’est pas le bon téléphone. Pourquoi lsusb renvoie un A5…

bash: /home/pierre/snap/easy-installer/common : est un dossier

Oui … à l’intérieur

ls ~/snap/easy-installer/common

ls ~/snap/easy-installer/common


Pouvez-vous essayer d’ouvrir et d’afficher le fichier journal supérieur ?


d’accord :slight_smile:

Je veux bien mais je ne sais pas comment procéder.

Merci d’essayer (

cd ~/snap/easy-installer/common

cat 2d4ec7a7-16d0-4d3c-b443-c8fffdd37cf9.log
~/snap/easy-installer/common$ cat 2d4ec7a7-16d0-4d3c-b443-c8fffdd37cf9.log
2024-04-26 12:10:01,728 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] 
OS name = Linux
Java Home = /snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64
Current working dir = /tmp/hsperfdata_pierre
ADB folder path = /snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/
2024-04-26 12:10:02,749 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] language = fr, country = FR 
2024-04-26 12:10:03,172 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] initialize()
2024-04-26 12:10:03,181 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(null)
2024-04-26 12:10:03,519 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] Detected screen's size = 1920.0 x 1053.0
stage's size = 1440.0 x 1024.0
2024-04-26 12:34:56,493 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(beforeYouBeginRoot)
2024-04-26 12:34:56,494 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-04-26 12:34:58,340 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(connectDeviceRoot)
2024-04-26 12:34:58,421 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-04-26 12:35:53,739 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB10.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-04-26 12:35:55,831 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB11.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-04-26 12:35:56,231 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-04-26 12:35:56,234 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB12.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null

Désolé, je ne vois pas d’informations pertinentes. :slightly_frowning_face:

Merci d’essayer

cat 2f963002-68e8-49dd-859c-dfd056424116.log

cat 36f3f129-ce33-4e6f-ab9a-4d807884f432.log

cat 3c2571a5-e476-4a58-961b-3c9a7953cf54.log

Existe-t-il un journal de plus de 100 lignes ?

le retour est tès long, je ,'aarive pas à tout sélectionner pour coller ici…
il smble faire plus de 100 lignes oui

cat 2f963002-68e8-49dd-859c-dfd056424116.log

moi je ne suis pas surpris de voir l’appareil reconnu comme

cela est fréquent chez moi avec mes Galaxy s4 et s4mini dans certaines circonstances…
je pense que le protocole de dialogue avec la série des appareils Samsung est hérité de cette generation
cette “erreur d’en-tête” peux etre négligée celon moi, (à mettre sur le même plan que le message adb sideload counter stop at 47% --> adb: failed to read command: No error ,qui est a interpréter comme “success”)

tu peux continuer…
Et depuis le repertoire ou setrouve le fichier “twrp-3.7.0_9-0-dreamlte.img” :
$ heimdall flash --RECOVERY twrp-3.7.0_9-0-dreamlte.img --no-reboot
(telephone en mode download)

cat 36f3f129-ce33-4e6f-ab9a-4d807884f432.log
2024-04-25 15:28:57,026 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] 
OS name = Linux
Java Home = /snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64
Current working dir = /tmp/hsperfdata_pierre
ADB folder path = /snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/
2024-04-25 15:28:58,897 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] language = fr, country = FR 
2024-04-25 15:28:59,924 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] initialize()
2024-04-25 15:28:59,933 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(null)
2024-04-25 15:29:00,345 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] Detected screen's size = 1920.0 x 1053.0
stage's size = 1440.0 x 1024.0
2024-04-25 15:29:31,105 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(beforeYouBeginRoot)
2024-04-25 15:29:31,106 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-04-25 15:29:42,431 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(connectDeviceRoot)
2024-04-25 15:29:42,432 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-04-25 15:33:21,372 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB10.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-04-25 15:33:53,241 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB11.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-04-25 15:33:55,697 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] ResetNextButtonEventHandler()
2024-04-25 15:33:55,939 WARN [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.EnableADBController [null:-1] imageName = enableADB12.png, error = java.lang.NullPointerException: Input stream must not be null
2024-04-25 15:33:56,871 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] loadSubScene(enableDevMode)
2024-04-25 15:33:56,872 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] change view()
2024-04-25 15:33:57,797 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-04-25 15:33:58,193 INFO [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-04-25 15:33:58,615 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-04-25 15:33:58,624 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-04-25 15:34:00,467 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
2024-04-25 15:34:00,609 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)* daemon started successfully
2024-04-25 15:34:00,610 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-04-25 15:34:00,686 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-04-25 15:34:00,689 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037

* daemon started successfully

List of devices attached 
2024-04-25 15:34:00,690 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] checkAdbDevicesResult(* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037)
2024-04-25 15:34:00,723 DEBUG [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] checkAdbDevicesResult(* daemon started successfully)
2024-04-25 15:34:00,724 INFO [Thread-3] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-04-25 15:34:02,975 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-04-25 15:34:02,976 INFO [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-04-25 15:34:02,977 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-04-25 15:34:02,978 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-04-25 15:34:02,983 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-04-25 15:34:03,012 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-04-25 15:34:03,012 DEBUG [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-04-25 15:34:03,013 INFO [Thread-4] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-04-25 15:34:05,279 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-04-25 15:34:05,288 INFO [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-04-25 15:34:05,289 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-04-25 15:34:05,290 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-04-25 15:34:05,295 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-04-25 15:34:05,329 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-04-25 15:34:05,329 DEBUG [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-04-25 15:34:05,330 INFO [Thread-5] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-04-25 15:34:07,581 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-04-25 15:34:07,582 INFO [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-04-25 15:34:07,583 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-04-25 15:34:07,583 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-04-25 15:34:07,588 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-04-25 15:34:07,661 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-04-25 15:34:07,662 DEBUG [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-04-25 15:34:07,662 INFO [Thread-6] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-04-25 15:34:09,913 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.s.DeviceDetectedController [null:-1] startDetection()
2024-04-25 15:34:10,425 INFO [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1] runADBDevicesCmd(): 
2024-04-25 15:34:10,426 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] updateParameters(), Parameters = {1=devices, 2=-l}
2024-04-25 15:34:10,427 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] getFullCmd(), full command =  [/snap/easy-installer/35/easy-installer-linux-x64/bin/adb/adb, devices, -l]
2024-04-25 15:34:10,432 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] 
  (debug)List of devices attached
2024-04-25 15:34:10,481 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.CommandExecutionTask [null:-1] Exit value = 0

2024-04-25 15:34:10,482 DEBUG [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]  raw shell outputs = 

List of devices attached 
2024-04-25 15:34:10,483 INFO [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-04-25 15:34:10,838 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] stage is closing
2024-04-25 15:34:10,838 DEBUG [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.c.MainWindowController [null:-1] onStop()

celui-ci est très long aussi

cat 3c2571a5-e476-4a58-961b-3c9a7953cf54.log

La réponse la plus utile que je vois est donc la suivante

cat 36f3f129-ce33-4e6f-ab9a-4d807884f432.log
List of devices attached 
2024-04-25 15:34:10,483 INFO [Thread-7] e.e.i.t.DeviceDetectionTask [null:-1]   waiting
2024-04-25 15:34:10,838 INFO [JavaFX Application Thread] e.e.i.EasyInstaller [null:-1] stage is closing

Je pense que nous pouvons dire que Easy Installer ne peut pas s’exécuter avec succès … peut-être pouvons-nous dire que l’erreur lsusb est impliquée.

Aussi je n’arrive pas à utiliser la commande adb devices.
Il faut se mettre dans le répertoire platform-tools mais je n’arrive pas à trouver le chemin.