Installing apps problem

Some apps apk are not installable on my gs290 (build v0.15). But when I’m using the app package manager(from f-droid) to install the apk, it’s working.
For instance :

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Are the application versions the same

Thks for your support. Unfortunately I dont understand your question. Version of which app?

When I want to install some apps (that are not on my phone and unavailable on /e/ store or fdroid ) I download the apk from a website and once downloaded I click on the apk file in the default file manager and the installation proceeds.
For many apps, this process doesn’t work. After downloading apk, I must use an specific app (package manager found in fdroid) to install. Otherwise, nothing happens when I click on the apk file. I don’ t understand why I need to use package manager found on fdroid to install. The normal process is to launch downloaded apk via file manager.

I can’t help with your issue, but I hope you understand the risks involved with that statement “from a website.” You really need to be able to trust that website. You could be installing really risky software.

Indeed trustable website like French gouvernement onesne for the very last covid app version