Installing /e/ on galaxy tab S2 Wifi

The apostrophe issue is not helped by the forum code box. The correct code in plain text:

repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’

Copy and paste into a code box

repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’

… as you say, it is a different and incorrect Unicode form, perhaps U+0027 ’ vs U+2019 ’ Tentatively it is a font effect.

Can you get a logcat as your first boot fails ? Perhaps try 2 terminals open, one to adb sideload the ROM, the other to create the logcat at the “right” moment. My guess would be not to start the logcat too early, perhaps as you see the bouncing e ?

I know that it may not work, but worth a try ?

I don’t recognise anything too odd in the build log.