Installing /e/ on galaxy tab S2 Wifi

The order is:

repo sync
repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’
source build/

Checking for errors at each command … and don’t move on if errors still exist …

But to get repo sync to undo your moved items … a suggestion … I would rename all potentially corrupted projects something like this:

/prebuilts/prebuiltapks		/prebuilts/prebuiltapks-nw/
	and similarly			/hardware/lineage/interfaces/camera/device-nw

ok. did now a fresh build and get this errors:

62% 60742/96644] Verifying uses-libraries: prebuilts/prebuiltapks/AccountManager/davx5-ose-
FAILED: out/target/common/obj/APPS/AccountManager_intermediates/enforce_uses_libraries.status
/bin/bash -c “(rm -f out/target/common/obj/APPS/AccountManager_intermediates/enforce_uses_libraries.status ) && (build/soong/scripts/ --enforce-uses-libraries --enforce-uses-libraries-status out/target/common/obj/APPS/AccountManager_intermediates/enforce_uses_libraries.status --aapt out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt --optional-uses-libr
ary androidx.window.extensions --optional-uses-library androidx.window.sidecar --dexpreopt-config out/target/product/gts210wifi/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/androidx.window.extensions_intermediates/dexpreopt.config --dexpreopt-config out/target/product/gts210wifi/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/androidx.window.sidecar_intermediates/dexpreopt.config prebuilts/prebuiltapks/AccountManage
r/davx5-ose- )”
zipro W 08-28 23:15:54 389830 389830] Error opening archive prebuilts/prebuiltapks/AccountManager/davx5-ose- Invalid file
ERROR: dump failed because no AndroidManifest.xml found
error: Command ‘[‘out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt’, ‘dump’, ‘badging’, ‘prebuilts/prebuiltapks/AccountManager/davx5-ose-’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1
[ 62% 60744/96644] Verifying uses-libraries: prebuilts/prebuiltapks/Apps/AppLounge-2.6.0-release.apk
FAILED: out/target/common/obj/APPS/Apps_intermediates/enforce_uses_libraries.status
/bin/bash -c “(rm -f out/target/common/obj/APPS/Apps_intermediates/enforce_uses_libraries.status ) && (build/soong/scripts/ --enforce-uses-libraries --enforce-uses-libraries-status out/target/common/obj/APPS/Apps_intermediates/enforce_uses_libraries.status --aapt out/host/linux-x86/bin/aapt --optional-uses-library androidx.window.exte
nsions --optional-uses-library androidx.window.sidecar --dexpreopt-config out/target/product/gts210wifi/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/androidx.window.extensions_intermediates/dexpreopt.config --dexpreopt-config out/target/product/gts210wifi/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/androidx.window.sidecar_intermediates/dexpreopt.config prebuilts/prebuiltapks/Apps/AppLounge-2.6.0-release.apk )”
zipro W 08-28 23:15:54 389835 389835] Error opening archive prebuilts/prebuiltapks/Apps/AppLounge-2.6.0-release.apk: Invalid file
ERROR: dump failed because no AndroidManifest.xml found

and with more prebuiltapks too (included only the first two errors). What I did previously was to replace the prebuiltapks with the downloaded zips of the prebuiltapks…is there something else I can do?

My first thought is that it is to do with failure of

repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’

… maybe because I had that experience.

Did you check if the folders where you renamed got repopulated ?

You might try again

repo status > status.txt

your answer about your earlier status.txt

Is every other project fully ok and shows no modifications at all ?

did not deal with the other 800 odd projects which should appear in your output (my having other branches and devices is not relevant). The reason for asking is to find if repo is clean.

If you search that output ( ^ F ) how many times does “no AndroidManifest.xml found” occur ?

You might share the error.log and / or other logs (out directory) may may reflect the actual error better.

You could check the out put of

cat  /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone

= 1. Is a “permissions” thing; if 0 you may lack necessary permissions default is 1 in Ubuntu.

I could solve the ```
repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’

issue. I needed tu use different apostrophes
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

cat  /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone returns 1 for me

latest status.txt is:

project hardware/lineage/interfaces/            (*** NO BRANCH ***)
 --	camera/device/1.0-legacy-nw/Android.bp
 --	camera/device/1.0-legacy-nw/CameraDevice.cpp
 --	camera/device/1.0-legacy-nw/CameraDevice_1_0.h
 -d	camera/device/1.0-legacy/Android.bp
 -d	camera/device/1.0-legacy/CameraDevice.cpp
 -d	camera/device/1.0-legacy/CameraDevice_1_0.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy.legacy.rc
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service.legacy.rc
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service.legacy.xml
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/hidl_callback_util.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/hidl_return_util.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/hidl_struct_util.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/hidl_struct_util.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/hidl_sync_util.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/hidl_sync_util.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/ringbuffer.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/ringbuffer.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/service.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_ap_iface.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_ap_iface.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_chip.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_chip.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_feature_flags.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_feature_flags.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_iface_util.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_iface_util.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_legacy_hal.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_legacy_hal.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_legacy_hal_stubs.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_legacy_hal_stubs.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_mode_controller.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_mode_controller.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_nan_iface.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_nan_iface.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_p2p_iface.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_p2p_iface.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_rtt_controller.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_rtt_controller.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_sta_iface.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_sta_iface.h
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_status_util.cpp
 --	wifi/1.0-legacy-nw/wifi_status_util.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy.legacy.rc
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service.legacy.rc
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service.legacy.xml
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/hidl_callback_util.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/hidl_return_util.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/hidl_struct_util.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/hidl_struct_util.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/hidl_sync_util.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/hidl_sync_util.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/ringbuffer.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/ringbuffer.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/service.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_ap_iface.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_ap_iface.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_chip.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_chip.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_feature_flags.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_feature_flags.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_iface_util.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_iface_util.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_legacy_hal.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_legacy_hal.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_legacy_hal_stubs.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_legacy_hal_stubs.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_mode_controller.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_mode_controller.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_nan_iface.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_nan_iface.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_p2p_iface.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_p2p_iface.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_rtt_controller.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_rtt_controller.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_sta_iface.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_sta_iface.h
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_status_util.cpp
 -d	wifi/1.0-legacy/wifi_status_util.h
project hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos/           (*** NO BRANCH ***)
 -m	libhwcutils/ExynosMPP.cpp
 --	libhwcutils/ExynosMPP.cpp.rej

Latest build does still not boot.

I put the build log here

At least the error.log was empty

The apostrophe issue is not helped by the forum code box. The correct code in plain text:

repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’

Copy and paste into a code box

repo forall -c ‘git lfs pull’

… as you say, it is a different and incorrect Unicode form, perhaps U+0027 ’ vs U+2019 ’ Tentatively it is a font effect.

Can you get a logcat as your first boot fails ? Perhaps try 2 terminals open, one to adb sideload the ROM, the other to create the logcat at the “right” moment. My guess would be not to start the logcat too early, perhaps as you see the bouncing e ?

I know that it may not work, but worth a try ?

I don’t recognise anything too odd in the build log.

Alas, my usb port does not work properly. It does charge but not connect :frowning:
Any other way to create a log?

btw. the bouncing e logo is not shown even during boot

Is the newer ROM different, or is this a negative ?

To collect an adb logcat you would need two way contact between the device and a PC.

its a slightly newer version 1.15t now, but build options are the same

Possibly someone can try via adb?

I’ll try - just, this is in lineage 18.1 now…
Clean installiert, format data, or dirty – what do you suggest?

Just Form the very little I remembert hearing about Samsung not booting…
Does Lineage include any vendor stuff? Some blobs?
If, are they in your build? Did you extract from the tablet?

here is all you need and you can download LOS20 for SM-T810.
The latest version form 13-AUG did work for me

Is this an issue:

58% 21714/37022] Target boot image: out/target/product/gts210wifi/boot.img
patch boot out/target/product/gts210wifi/boot.img out/target/product/gts210wifi/boot.img.lok
cp: bad ‘out/target/product/gts210wifi/boot.img.lok’: No such file or directory
Made boot image: out/target/product/gts210wifi/boot.img

99% 37021/37022] Package OTA: out/target/product/gts210wifi/
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read SYSTEM/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read VENDOR/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read VENDOR/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition vendor
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read PRODUCT/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read PRODUCT/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition product
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read SYSTEM_EXT/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read SYSTEM_EXT/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition system_ext
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read ODM/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read ODM/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition odm
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read VENDOR_DLKM/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read VENDOR_DLKM/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition vendor_dlkm
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read ODM_DLKM/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read ODM_DLKM/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition odm_dlkm
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read SYSTEM_DLKM/etc/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read SYSTEM_DLKM/build.prop
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Failed to read build.prop for partition system_dlkm
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - INFO : Running: “/mnt/media/e/eOS/out/host/linux-x86/bin/unpack_bootimg --boot_img out/target/product/gts210wifi/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_gts210wifi-target_files-eng.ronnz/IMAGES/boot.img --out /mnt/media/e/eOS/out/soong/.temp/boot__ktkl9xz.img”
2023-08-29 11:15:37 - - WARNING : Unable to get boot image build props: Failed to run command ‘[‘unpack_bootimg’, ‘–boot_img’, ‘out/target/product/gts210wifi/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/lineage_gts210wifi-target_files-eng.ronnz/IMAGES/boot.img’, ‘–out’, ‘/mnt/media/e/eOS/out/soong/.temp/boot__ktkl9xz.img’]’ (exit code 1):
Traceback (most recent call last):



my usb port does not work properly. It does charge but not connect

It can not ( and couldn’t ever, if your usb port has always been bad) extract from the device i think, so it needs to get files from a git repo or so…

Maybe an issue… not having adb @aidb your thoughts?

Did /hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos ever repopulate ? because it does not show in the status.txt

@make-nz extract from the device is not needed when you have a complete device tree.

A comment here

Warnings are not errors, but always worth double checking.

I just checked a random successful verbose.log and I find 29 matches for WARNING.

I find similar - WARNING : Failed to read SYSTEM/etc/build.prop

are in blocks at the out/target/product/devicename stage, very similar to the section you mention.

I think I have all I need:

Q1. Can I build this ROM for myself? Where are the source and kernel source files? A1. Yes, you can. The source files are listed below.


Device Tree


The build manifest and instructions on how to compile from source are at

Sorry, also just got it to loop to Samsung logo…
No adb at this stage and booting TWRP to look around I only found this strange:

E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:Set page: ‘copylog’
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
I:Set page: ‘action_page’
I:operation_start: ‘Copy Log’

And also somehow strange it does not work in Lineage 18.1 I just put back on the device!

I don’t get MTP from the tablet and no adb – wireless debugging is working

ok. So at the moment we are stuck. Please let me know if I should try something different for the build

I’m not sure, if I remember this right… I think there is a extract shell script which extracts from a build* maybe extract boot + vendor from your build and the LOS image you base on and compare them!???
Maybe there is another/better/simpler way, it’s more a reverse engeneering approach…

Your LOS build was vanilla ?

If yes, I feel one step up is Lineage4microG.

All the guides I see recommend docker – is something magic in the docker scripts which is required ? So I would try vendor_e (or docker) and build Lineage4microG – this way you might also filter out whether some /e/ contents are the problem.