I’m attempting to install /e/OS on a Motorola Moto XT2113-2. After executing ‘fastboot flash recovery recovery-e-2.7-u-20250110460593-community-kiev.img’ I receive:
After powering down, VOLUME DOWN + POWER takes me to the earlier fastboot screen. At that time I’m a touch confused. Selecting “Recovery mode” does nothing. Although the documentation doesn’t indicate this, I assume I’m to use the power key to reboot into Recovery mode. However, doing so reboots to Android.
Sounds like you did not load the recovery correct. Did you enable developer mode an select OEM unlocking?
Before you proceed make sure to check the functions of the phone like 5G and Wifi calling.
I have a Kiev here that with stock (Canadian) ROM all function work but with eOS WiFi calling is not working, 5G is fine.
If it is the same case as me and you can live with it OK. If not it is easy to roll back to stock ROM with Moto tool. Just be aware of that tool is very intrusive with the email account you use to sign up. Wants all contacts and to read your emails (not kidding), so use an email account with no information. Just make a new hotmail or live account.
I agree. As easy as unlocking the bootloader is (compared to Xiaomi devices, for example), the Moto Tool is not user-friendly. That’s why I don’t use it and flash stock Android manually via fastboot. This gives me control over the device and not Motorola with its proprietary firmware tool.
Where do you get the stock ROMs? I will do it this way going forward.
Off topic but it would be nice to get the WiFi calling working on this device. I think the developers just need to us the stock Canadian ROM to fix the issue.
I don’t remember if I enabled developer mode when unlocking the bootloader but I remember no errors or additional questions. The phone is unlocked and I’m in developer mode now.
Perhaps it’s significant I receive “error: no devices/emulators found” when executing “adb reboot bootloader.” I did/can manually reboot and “ZY22DZXKC2 fastboot” displays with “fastboot devices.”
I’ve no issue with rolling back as I have zero personal data on the phone. I assume you’re referring to System/Reset options/Erase all data (factory reset). If I do so do I need to again unlock the bootloader?
I found after executing ‘adb kill-server’ then ‘adb start-server’ I could reboot the bootloader with ‘adb reboot bootloader.’ But I then decided to perform a factory reset and am now stuck in an endless loop. I see the unlocked bootloader warning and then the Motorola logo flashes. Unfortunately that sequence repeats and I can’t power down the phone.
I have what I believe is the firmware for this phone. Do I have any choice but to install it?