Heimdall is also a dead end…
Tried a few commands on a tuto…
Nothing there…
Seems to be even more elusive than flatpak…
Heimdall is also a dead end…
Tried a few commands on a tuto…
Nothing there…
Seems to be even more elusive than flatpak…
heimdall still works, especialy for old devices like the j6primelte, when it is simple to just flash recovery.img, it is simply complicated to use to install full Samsung firmware (you have to be precise and exhaustive)
[HOWTO] (Needs expert review) Flash Galaxy s9+ to Stock Android 10 using heimdall-gui
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Samsung/galaxy-flasher-v0.6.0alpha-linux/source/data$ ./build-flatpak.sh
You need to install glib-compile-resources to use this script.
looks like l need a glib compile resources somewhere…
Meanwhile l am trying to install this Heimdal and l get this…
Where can l get the command line package it says lm gonna need ?
now l have tried this way and it seems to be succesful …
but l see no Heimdall program opening…
Wonderful it seems l can install plenty of programs but run none…
.DMG is for macOS
1.4.0-0 is outdated but should work for your old device
why not Odin4linux that will be easier to use ?..
Yes go Odin4linux then
Anyhing that works
Ican throw that dmg in the bin then… one less
I find an Odin2cis but not the 4 linux do you have a good link ?
again the link is in the unified guide project :
Yeah right…
Back to the same tutorial that will lead me nowhere when l do command after command after command…
But its ok
Let me wait for another person with the patience to guide me…
cd path/to/odin
chmod +x odin4
./odin4 -h
Ensure you have the necessary firmware files (BL, AP, CP, and CSC) downloaded and ready.
Flash Samsung Firmware Using Odin on Linux
cd path/to/odin
./odin4 -l
./odin4 -b BL_XXXX.tar.md5 -a AP_XXXX.tar.md5 -c CP_XXXX.tar.md5 -s CSC_XXXX.tar.md5
./odin4 --reboot
./odin4 --redownload
Follow these steps carefully to use Odin on Linux, flash TWRP on Samsung devices, and flash Samsung firmware efficiently.
Here are some useful Odin commands for reference:
odin4 -v
: Show the Odin version.odin4 -w
: Show license.odin4 -b
: Add the BL file (BL_XXXX.tar.md5)odin4 -a
: Add AP image file (AP_XXXX.tar.md5)odin4 -c
: Add CP image file (CCP_XXXX.tar.md5odin4 -s
: Add CSC or Home CSC file (CSC_XXXX.tar.md5)odin4 -u
: Add UMS file.odin4 -e
: Enable the Nand erase option in Odin.odin4 -v
: Home binary validation check with pit file.odin4 -d
: Set a device path.odin4 -l
: Show the downloadable device’s path.odin4 --reboot
: Reboot the device into normal mode.odin4 --redownload
: Reboot the device into download mode..
tar -cvf vbmeta.tar vbmeta.img
./odin4 -l
./odin4 -a twrp.tar -c vbmeta.tar
back trying again…
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Samsung$ ./odin4 -b BL_XXXX.tar.md5 -a AP_XXXX.tar.md5 -c CP_XXXX.tar.md5 -s CSC_XXXX.tar.md5
Check file : BL_XXXX.tar.md5
md5 fail : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Fail parse BL_XXXX.tar.md5
do l have to change the XXX to something else ?
of course, to the filename…
no, you need to be booted in download mode
you need to unzipp the downloaded (SAMFW.COM_J610FN_XEF_J610FNXXS8CVI3_fac.zip) Samsung firmware,
and put a copy of the odin4 file into the “SAMFW.COM_J610FN_XEF_J610FNXXS8CVI3_fac” new folder…
i have prepared your command :
./odin4 -b BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 -a AP_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta_OS10.tar.md5 -c CP_J610FNXXS8CVI1_REV00_CL1921728__QB_22877707.tar.md5 -s CSC_OMC_OXM_J610FNOXM8CVI1_CL19470558_QB56297300_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Ok Here l am…
I think l have domloaded and extracted this file… is it the right one ?
And now l have my phone in this dowload mode…
I tried few combinations of buttons and for my phone that does not have a bixby l had do press button up, down and power altogether to get the warning blue window, the up to get the download arrow
although l see the vbmeta file in the folder l cannot do the command
Bad cable then ?
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Samsung$ ./odin4 -a twrp.tar -c vbmeta.tar
Check file : twrp.tar
Check file : vbmeta.tar
cannot find device
also, you need to reboot to download mode between each flash attempt…
Now l have that
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Samsung$ ./odin4 -b BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 -a AP_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta_OS10.tar.md5 -c CP_J610FNXXS8CVI1_REV00_CL1921728__QB_22877707.tar.md5 -s CSC_OMC_OXM_J610FNOXM8CVI1_CL19470558_QB56297300_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Check file : BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
md5 fail : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Fail parse BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
I am rebooting phone
you must open the terminal from the /SAMFW.COM_J610FN_XEF_J610FNXXS8CVI3_fac
folder to run the command…
I go in there and l start the commands again…
./odin4 -b BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 -a AP_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta_OS10.tar.md5 -c CP_J610FNXXS8CVI1_REV00_CL1921728__QB_22877707.tar.md5 -s CSC_OMC_OXM_J610FNOXM8CVI1_CL19470558_QB56297300_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Check file : BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Check file : AP_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta_OS10.tar.md5
Check file : CP_J610FNXXS8CVI1_REV00_CL1921728__QB_22877707.tar.md5
Check file : CSC_OMC_OXM_J610FNOXM8CVI1_CL19470558_QB56297300_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Can not use device : No such file or directory
USB Open Fail
usb device Fail
trying again
cate@cate-1011PX:~/Downloads/Samsung/SAMFW.COM_SM-J610FN_XEF_J610FNXXS8CVI3_fac$ ./odin4 -b BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 -a AP_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta_OS10.tar.md5 -c CP_J610FNXXS8CVI1_REV00_CL1921728__QB_22877707.tar.md5 -s CSC_OMC_OXM_J610FNOXM8CVI1_CL19470558_QB56297300_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Check file : BL_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
Check file : AP_J610FNXXS8CVI3_CL19470558_QB56169573_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT_meta_OS10.tar.md5
Check file : CP_J610FNXXS8CVI1_REV00_CL1921728__QB_22877707.tar.md5
Check file : CSC_OMC_OXM_J610FNOXM8CVI1_CL19470558_QB56297300_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5
cannot find device
Do I have a USB cable problem ?