[HOWTO] an Unified Install Guide Project for /e/


Preparation :

1) install the flashing tools

On your PC

see Samsung Brand Exception steps


Odin.3 windows steps ( written by @Anonyme )

Download ODIN

Odin is a utility used by Samsung to reset (or flash) their smartphones.

  1. Download Odin here .
  2. Unzip the file with a right click on it then “Extract all” then “Extract”.

3. The unzipped folder created opens (if not, open it), then open “Odin3 v3.13.3.exe”.

  1. Click on “Ok” when the warning message is prompted.


Galaxy-Flasher Linux

Galaxy-Flasher, the ultimate graphical tool for Samsung devices


You don’t need more Tools if using the “Internal Storage”, or the “SDcard” method
You only need A.D.B. if you want to use the sideload method


see common steps for all other devices ( adb & fastboot )

Install ADB the Android Debug Bridge,
and Fastboot the common flashing-tool for most android devices.

see Windows steps

Please improve this guide by adding Windows steps
Installing adb and fastboot on a Linux PC

see MacOS steps

Please improve this guide by adding MacOS steps
Installing adb and fastboot on a Linux PC

see Linux steps

Ubuntu is used for the purpose of this guide. Kindly change the commands and package names, if any for your distribution

  • open a Terminal app to execute the following command :

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install android-tools-adb
$ sudo apt install android-tools-fastboot

  • or

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot


  • When done check with adb version command to verify.

$ adb version

A result as follows shall appear on your terminal screen.

Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Version 1:8.1.0+r23-5

For others GNU/Linux :



see Brand specifics additional steps

please report or edit Brand exceptions and Device specific steps


Asus text


BQ text


Essential text


FairPhone text


Gigaset text


Google text


HTC text


Huawei text


LeEco text


Lenovo text


LG text


Motorola text


Nextbit text


Nubia text


OnePlus text


OPPO text


Razer text


Realme text

Samsung Brand specific additional steps


Windows flashing-tools for Samsung devices

Windows text

If you are a macrosoft windobe user, please try this excellent howto

MacOS flashing-tools for Samsung devices

Please improve this guide by adding MacOS text

The Muppets Heimdall suite 1.4.2.dmg


Linux flashing-tools for Samsung devices


install Heimdall, (CLI and GUI)

Ubuntu is used for the purpose of this guide. Kindly change the commands and package names, if any for your distribution

$ sudo apt install heimdall-flash
$ sudo apt install heimdall-flash-frontend (optional)

$ sudo apt-get install heimdall-flash
$ sudo apt-get install heimdall-flash-frontend (optional)

  • You can verify Heimdall is functioning by opening a Terminal and running

$ heimdall version

A result as follows shall appear on your terminal screen.



  • Other method :

      • open a Terminal and type :
      • $ unzip /path/to/heimdall_ubuntu.zip -d /tmp
        $ cp /tmp/bin/heimdall* /usr/bin/
        $ rm -rf /tmp/bin

  • For others GNU/Linux

      • Extract The Muppets Heimdall suite zip and take note of the new directory containing heimdall . Now copy heimdall into a directory in $PATH, a common one on most distros will be /usr/local/bin. For example
      • $ cp heimdall /usr/local/bin .

you may build heimdall, there is a guide…
I did it…for my Linux Mint Debian Edition version 3 cindy

Install Odin4linux (CLI)

Download Samsung Odin v4 1.2.1 for Linux (Official) - Technastic

Install Galaxy-Flasher, the ultimate graphical tool for Samsung devices

Galaxy-Flasher, the ultimate graphical tool for Samsung devices



Sony text


Teracube text


Wileyfox text


Wingtech text


Yandex text


YU text


ZTE text


ZUK text


you may want or need to flash first an appropriate Stock Vendor Firmware to your device as a sane base :

click here to see details

please report or edit Brand exceptions and Device specific steps








installation of the stock firmware FairPhone

FairPhone https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/18896094650513-Install-Fairphone-OS-manually



installation of the stock firmware Google

Instructions and Downloads :
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices  |  Google Play services  |  Google for Developers











installation of the Stock Firmware Motorola

Motorola USB drivers
HowTo Identify Software Channel
Motorola Stock Rom
[Official Motorola Flash Tool[(https://rsdlitetool.com/)






installation of the Stock Firmware OnePlus

switch back to an “official” OS







installation of the Stock Firmware Samsung

downloads :

  • For high speed download complete latest firmware, factory tagged “bin” ( 4 files, download filename ends by _FAC ) and update ( 1file without wiping /data, ), use sfirmware

  • For all archives high speed download update ( 4 files or 1 file ) latest firmware, use samfw (Also provide files as individual, and interesting COMBINATION FIRMWARE)

  • For all archive firmware, low speed download (and sometimes download error), use samfrew

  • For all archives, paid high speed download use sammobile

install the latest Stock Firmware with Brand specific Flashing Tools :

Using Samsung Flashing-Tools for Windows

full samsung firmware installation using Odin3

in English : Revert Samsung Device to stock ROM on Windows PC

en Français : [TUTO] installation / mise à niveau Android Samsung Stock Firmware avec Odin/ Windows

Using Samsung Flashing-tools for MacOS


How I managed to install /e/ on a Samsung A310F with MacOs 10.13.6

Using Samsung Flashing-Tools for Linux

download latest Samsung firmware with the Linux command line tool samloader-CLI

install in command line withheimdall-flash
or using the graphical interface heimdall-frontend

or with the Samsung Official command line software Odin4linux
Download Samsung Odin v4 1.2.1 for Linux (Official) - Technastic

Don’t miss :
Galaxy-Flasher, the ultimate graphical tool for Samsung devices


installation of the Stock Firmware Sony

Flashing Stock Firmware on Sony Devices

If you are using a Windows PC, and you have not unlocked the boot-loader on your device, you can use Sony’s flash tool EMMA to flash the latest stock firmware on your device. Full documentation and download are available on the Sony Developer World website.

Flash tool | Developer World

If you are using a MacOS or Linux PC, or if you have already unlocked the boot-loader, then you will need to use Flashtool

Finding the stock firmware

Before you can flash it, you need to find the correct firmware to flash. The EMMA tool - if it works for you - will find and download the latest official Sony firmware for your device automatically.

Otherwise, if you are using a Windows or Linux PC, you can use the XperiFirm ~ Xperia Firmware Downloader to find and download the latest official Sony firmware for your device. (The program is written in .NET and ships as a Windows .exe file, so Linux users will need to install Mono).

If you need access to an older version of the firmware, if you are running a MacOS PC, or if Xperifirm does not find the firmware for your device, then you will need to find the firmware elsewhere on the internet. Places to look include

  1. xperiafirmware.com has firmware for many devices, including the following devices with official or unofficial /e/OS builds
  2. https://xperiastockrom.com has the above, plus
  3. XDA Forums - find the forums for your device and then the relevant sub-forums
  4. AndroidFileHost - search for your specific model number e.g. https://androidfilehost.com/?w=search&s=D6603

















2) Allow flashing

On your phone

see details

allow USB debugging
allow OEM unlock (on android 7 nougat or later)

  • Go to the >Settings menu >More/System , scroll down, tap on 'About phone’, scroll down,

in android 7 nougat :

in android 5 lollipop

in android 4 jelly bean :


  • Tap 7 times on ‘Build number’ until it unlocks the Developer options mode as seen in the images below. Kindly enter password/PIN when asked.


Yay! You are a temporary developer now without any coding experience whatsoever!

  • In Settings, navigate to More/SystemAdvanced* and scroll down to open Developer options.

  • in Developer options, allow OEM unlocking (on android 7 nougat or later)

in android 9 pie


if OEM unlocking is not visible on android 7 or older it is normal
if OEM unlocking is not visible on a s8 or later, follow this instruction :
Disable autoupdates and automatic time, put back the date minimal 7 days before the actual date. Finally reboot the phone. That should do the trick Fix Missing OEM Unlock Toggle on Samsung Galaxy Devices (Guide)


  • In Developer options allow USB debugging under DEBUGGING

in android 5 Lollipop


  • There is a disclamer :


  • Tap OK to Allow USB debugging and enable it.


  • Connect your smartphone using USB cable to GNU/Linux PC to whitelist USB debugging from it to unlock bootloader .
  • There is a disclamer :


  • Tap OK to continue.


3) Check the communication between the PC and your smartphone

through USB cable

See details

Chances are that either the cable you use is not suitable for data transfer but only for charging the phone or the plug of the — possibly old — smartphone is defective or sometimes malfunctioning.

Check the connection by typing the command

adb devices

with your (USB debugging enabled) smartphone connected with the cable.
If you just receive :

List of devices attached

without a device serial number and a comment, then something between the PC and your smartphone is not correct and you cannot proceed further.
Try to change cable first and then check the state of the plug on PC and smartphone
change USB port, change PC, change phone, change life…



4) Download a custom recovery manager .img

(not needed for Fairphone, Gigaset, Teracube, or Murena phone)

On your PC,

see details for TWRP

Download the codenamed specific .img file for your device, it will to replace the original stock-recovery by a custom recovery calledTWRP, the Team Win Recovery Project from :

twrp version 3.5.x-x is designed for recent devices type " a/b_slot" or “treble”, originaly shipped with Stock Android 8, and above,
twrp version 3.4.x-x was buggy, don’t choose it
If installing /e/OS nougat 7, oreo 8, pie 9, quince tart 10, or red velvet cake 11, on a device originally shipped with an Android version older than 8, you should see red errors,
Better is use an older version like 3.3.x-x witch is reputed working well

For recent device you need to download the vbmeta file to pass “Verified Boot” conditions, it is retrievable aside TWRP file on their website


see details for recovery-e

for officially supported devices only, you will find the recovery-e aside to the official build at Smartphone Selector
for some recent unofficial devices, you will find some .IMG into the recovery compatible and sideloadable unofficial build install .ZIP , extract it from the .ZIP

If needed, move the Downloaded Files into the Folder where you have extracted the “Platform-Tools.zip”


5) Download /e/OS.zip

On your PC ( adb sideload method ),


On your Phone ( Internal Storage / SDcard method ),

Download the devicecodenamed specific image of /e/OS

see details

your model number, available in the
“settings menu” → Plus/System → About phone → “Model number”
must be supported by the device code name of the build you choose.
Be careful about Regional or Carrier variants for the same commercial appellation

example :
model name : Galaxy s7
code name : herolte
model number : SM-G930F, SM-G930FD, SM-G930S, SM-G930K, SM-G930L, SM-G930W8
(lineage_wiki/_data/devices/herolte.yml at master · LineageOS/lineage_wiki · GitHub)


To find your device codename you can run this command in the console of an adb enabled PC with you phone connected via a usb data cable (and "USB debugging selected in developer options)

$ adb shell getprop ro.product.device

In case you don’t have the device in your hands, here is a list of all ever existing android devices


builded for the ROM and the specific hardware configuration of your device :



Howto see List of **Legacy Devices**

in Smartphone Selector, expand the “Search Options” by clicking on it,
and enable “Legacy Devices” :





If needed, move the Downloaded Files into the Folder where you have extracted the “Platform-Tools.zip”
