Installing latest 0.7 build on Mi4c (libra)

Hi all,

I gave a try to 0.6 few weeks ago but decided to stick with LineageOS.
Mi4c is not supported anywhere anymore. So, I’m back here trying to install /e/ 0.7.
It doesn’t go as well as /e/ 0.6, I’m stuck on logo for 15 minutes now.

I have latest TWRP for libra.
I wiped Dalvik+cache+system+Data then
I install latest build zip:
MD5 verified OK.
Then reboot.

What’s the difference between v.0.6 and 0.7 that it doesn’t work anymore ? I didn’t special instructions.


PS: rep. en français OK si c’est plus simple pour vous.

OK. Call me an idiot.
I was too confident I did not notice the system did not get installed because TWRP failed to verify .zip.
I unchecked this option and system is now installed.


By the way, if you would like to try something fresher than Nougat with your Mi4c — you can always flash unofficial Lineage 16 from Kenga or WJXXBSH.

Damned! I thought Mi4c was abandonned by everyone after LinageOS officially anounced they drop it from their list.
Thanx for the lead.

OK. I dunno what I did but I had to reinstall the phone again (it was acting like the curent user had limited rights thus I was missing some features and specially the developpers menu was not allowed for the curent - and only - user).
I wanted to give a try to LineageOS 16 but TWRP did not want to install it, complaining file_contxts.bin was missing.

Last week I also decided to switch to LineageOS 16 and faced the same problem when trying to install the latest build from WJXXBSH. This is because the last official TWRP for libra was released in 2017, and it does not support Pie. Fortunately, there is no big deal about finding a newer unofficial TWRP that will work. I used THIS ONE from popular Russian community, while WJXXBSH himself offers to take it from HERE.

And don’t forget to flash MicroG, F-Droid, and turn off sh**ty Edge Gesture feature (Settings >System > Buttons > Additional buttons > Edge Gesture)