Is there a way to get the e email app to background sync?

Hi, I’m using /e/ on the Nexus 4. It should be the latest official version.

One thing that bugs me is that email notifications don’t arrive in time, because the email app only seems to sync when i open it. Is there a way to get it to sync? I searched up and down these forums, but can’t find an answer.


Chek settings in Mail app, global Settings / Network.
Also, check Battery settings for Mail in Settings / Apps.

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Normally the Mail app will do one of two strategies:

  1. Cyclic Polling the server for new mails (POP3 and IMAP)
  2. Getting push notifications about new mails from the server (IMAP only)

If your Mail app does not use one of these automatic principles both are switched off. In this case a synchronization can only be done manually by a single poll request.

Note: there’s also a general switch in the settings of the Mail app under Network which must be ON.

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Recently on mail app I noticed it had stopped syncing. I was looking through the settings which were at pretty much default and in the Settings > Account Settings saw in “Fetching mail” it was set to Fetch messages up to 1mb.

Changed it to 10mb and when I returned to inbox syncing had started again.

Might be a coincidence and nothing to do with it , but worth a shot!

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Chek settings in Mail app, global Settings / Network.
Also, check Battery settings for Mail in Settings / Apps.

Auto-sync was already selected.
And there is no battery optimization going on from the system side.

Recently on mail app I noticed it had stopped syncing. I was looking through the settings which were at pretty much default and in the Settings > Account Settings saw in “Fetching mail” it was set to Fetch messages up to 1mb.
Changed it to 10mb and when I returned to inbox syncing had started again.
Might be a coincidence and nothing to do with it , but worth a shot!

Thanks, I will try that.

If Mail app synchronize regularly when open, then it’s probably not a problem with it’s settings.
I’ll rather check it’s authorizations for power settings (okay, it’s not this one), capabilities to run in background, etc

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Try changing that setting to “Always”

I have also found for imap accounts to go into account settings for fetching mail and change the Poll frequency to never.

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I never got it working properly as well. I had to sync manually at least twice a day, then it was working for some time (5 minute poll rate).
I switched to K-9 Mail now, which is what /e/ forked originally.
The K9 team published an update lately which fixed the described behavior (seems like new contributors joined the once slowed down project).

I don’t think so: work has been going on pretty constantly, with the same small pool of developers. Getting Push / IMAP Idle working in the new version, took a lot of work. There was a lot of other work happening with v5.7nn beta releases, which would not be visible unless you were on the beta channel.

@Taylor , Now that I’ve been using latest versions of e on a couple of devices for a bit longer I notice, same as you, mail app is constantly stopping syncing in the background. It looks like it is every time after being in Flight Mode or dropping internet connection.

So I’ve added some comments to an issue on gitlab.

K-9 is working well though.

I opened this issue for /e/ 0.13 and today it’s still unsolved. I made also another issue related to colors and notification sounds which are also not good in this app, should be really easy but has not even been discussed until now. This is the reason why I can’t suggest the stock Mail app for any serious use, sorry. Take something different.

K-9 had also issues related to the push mechanism during the last year, several versions have not been good when I searched for a replacement. Found FairEmail as the best solution then, which just works, day by day.

Push is working fine in the latest K-9 v5.8nn builds

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May be. I spoke about the past, about half a year ago.

Thanks for the advice. Seems I’ll switch to K-9.