Is there an auto enter password manager?

I have a podcast app, (Pocket Casts), that requires a password. It auto enters on my Murena One, so I have no problem using it on my phone. I would like to be able to log into my account from my laptop or desktop computer, but that requires my password, which I forgot. When I click on the “forgot password” on their website on my computer it says it’s sending a message to my email address, but it never arrives. I’ve checked trash and spam.

If there is an auto enter password manager in the system on the phone, I could copy that and get into my account from my computer. Even if it only shows a partial password and blanks out some digits, I could guess the blanks.

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Never mind. I figured it out.

There are some Nextcloud based password-managers available via the F-droid Store or AppLounge
Also existing for PC

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xkcd#979 ? … the answer is - Android has autofill built in for other apps to make use of - lots of password managers (on f-droid or github) use this backend and offer the autofill.

(as /e/ has openkeychain already, I use that pgp key for passwordstore. - but most pw managers can do that autofill)

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As it turns out, I’m using the free version of the app on my phone, so even with the password, I can’t log in on their website without first subscribing to the pro version. But I’ll look into the PW managers available.

on second reading I wasn’t so sure anymore if it is Androids Auto-Fill facility that had the user/pass combo. But I understand your issue now after installing the App. The website / “desktop app” doesn’t accommodate the free plans that are available on mobile, fair enough.

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