Is there an on device OCR app?


Does any one know of an on device OCR app? There are ones that go on line, but I would like a private app.


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I see there are several OCR - Optical Character Recognition - apps in F-Droid, but I haven’t tried any of them. They’re based on Tesseract, so I imagine they work.

(Type “OCR” in the search field.)

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I could only see two, downloaded OCR by Shubham, specifically states all is done offline. You can download multiple language packs. Its slow, but very accurate.

I couldn’t open a PDF with it, so just did a screen print of each page, and did the OCR on the images.


The second one, OCR (Tesseract) is called from other apps (i.e. it’s not a stand-alone app), which I’m guessing would work in conjunction with your PDF viewer.

There’s also one called Character Recognition which uses Tesseract to extract text from images (from the gallery or captures by the camera). Which I think is what OCR from Shubham does…?

[I have several repos enabled in F-droid, so note that I might see more apps than some users.]

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Thanks Taurus, I couldn’t get the second one to function for me.

Any Repos you can recommend to add to F-Droid which are trust worthy.

I have the following enabled:
F-Droid Archive
Guardian Project Archive
Guardian Project Official Releases
F-Droid Classic

and at one time, also:
KDE Android Nightly Builds

There are others out there, I believe, which you can research online to discover the URL you have to add to get their repos (if interested).

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