日本コミュニティ- Japan community

I figured since there is no japanese community let’s create one.

Wondering actually how many people use /e/OS in Japan, please vote the poll.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

  • Based in Japan
0 voters

Might help networking more if you invite comments/replies instead of likes – lifts the topic back to more attention each time. :slight_smile: Plus anyone finding your initiative good, but not being in Japan could give you a like.

For a Japan "headcount" you could add a very simple POLL to your post instead.



Hey Urs, thank you for the constructive feedack :smiley: good points!

I assume there are some /e/ OS users in Japan as there is a couple of web pages about the OS:

Apparently there is an entry on Wikipedia as well if you are interested: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki//e/_(オペレーティングシステム)

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I guess it would help to post the message in Japanese. Otherwise all those people searching in Japanese likely won’t be able to find this thread.

All issues I have seen so far have been posted in English here, I also was thinking about writing in japanese :+1:

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I’m a native Japanese speaker, but hesitate to use Japanese here as no moderators seem to speak/comprehend the language.

Hi @gnection you can use Japanese on this forum if you are comfortable in it. We have created language specific subsections on this forum based on the number of users. If there are a sizable number of users we can always create a section specific for Japanese-speaking users.
On the question of moderators, as long as there are online language translator tools like DeepL or Google Translate, that should not be a problem.

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Could you give me rights to this ‘Forum’ to change things like title, etc?
If not, please change title to: ‘日本コミュニティ- Japan community’


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こちらこそ、どうぞよろしくお願いします! :smiley:

Android 12がリリースされた際、Fairphone4ではAndroid 12にアップデートすると電波を検出しなくなるという問題がありました。


私もこれと同じ問題を経験しましたが、/e/OSにアップグレードしたら、APNを手動で設定した後、無事検出されるようになりました ↓

/e/OS 2.1ではFP4向けのAndroidも13にアップグレードされましたが、似たような問題が起こるかもしれないと考えて、こちらではまだアップデートしていません。しばらくは様子を見るつもりです。



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今日Fairphone 4をAOSP 14版にアップデートしましたが、mineoの電波はしっかりとキャッチしています :smile:

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