Langis : no more updates

I’ve just looked in the matrix group
According to what is written in this group, this is voluntary because there has been a security problem in signal since version 6.35

Here is the message from CapsLock :

Tue, Oct 17, 2023


Bonjour à tous ; Pour info je ne publie pas de nouvelles versions de Langis depuis un certain temps à cause d'une alerte remontée par Virus Total depuis la version 6.35.0 ; ça n'est pas spécifique à Langis : Signal est concerné aussi ; le fil de la discussion est ici :

Pour l'instant la version la plus récente de Langis est la 6.34.4 - version qui ne lève pas d'alerte chez Virus Total

J'envoie systématiquement les APK de Langis chez Virus Total avant de les publier ; en espérant que ça contribue à protéger d'éventuels problèmes

Hi everyone ; the latest release of Langis is quite old (6.34.4) and I do not publish new releases because with versions 6.35.0 and upper there is a security alert at Virus Total (you can follow the topic here: ) ; this is not langis specific but impacts Signal too

I always push langis to virus total before publishing a new release; I expect it can save us from some troubles


This warning was shown in error due to a bug specific to Google Play. This message was not related to Signal. Google has resolved the issue. You should now be able to download and install Signal without further problems.

It’s good, Langis 6.42.2 is available on FDroid. :wink:


Yes, seems to be OK again. But I still have (also in the new version) the problem that I can’t suppress these idiotic questions about the PIN again and again (who needs this???). The switch to turn this off requires the PIN one last time, but when I give him the PIN I can’t then press OK or something, there’s only a Cancel button. In Molly this works fine.

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