LeEco S2 - 1.15-Q - AppLounge (Anonymous Login Failed)


Trying to login to AppLounge (version 2.6.3) as Anonymous Login but I get following error message:

Anonymous Login Failed.
This can be because token could not be generated/verfified or other reason
Please Retry to try again.

And the log error is :

java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorExeption: Trust anchor for path certification not found. Status: -1

Aurora Store works fine as Anonymous Login.


  1. I logged out of AppLounge and rebooted, did not work

  2. I cleared AppLounge Storage & Cache (Settings > Apps> AppLounge> Storage & Cache > Clear Storage" did not work.

  3. The issue seems to arise when “Common Apps” is turned on which generates the bug.

Any idea how to solve the issue pls?


my guess is that one of the http endpoint AppLounge contacts was intermittingly in some state of reconfiguration, thus you hitting some self-signed cert that your phones ssl trust store (“anchor”) cannot for good reasons validate.

There are a few endpoints in the code - https://gitlab.e.foundation/search?search="https&nav_source=navbar&project_id=355&group_id=9&search_code=true&repository_ref=main

This should be a temporary occurrence

Not sure it’s temporary as it’s been 3 days it’s still not working.
Will continue to monitor and report.

weird. Did you remove a certificate from the phones trust store? Any magisk modules in use?

no i did not do anything. My phone is not rooted, did not install magisk just /e/os

maybe you’re with a DNS provider that hijacks one of the domains, should be the gtoken one affected.

Do you use any extra security software on the network, adblocking techniques, pihole/adaway?

It’s not impossible the gtoken url filters some network origin, so disable vpn/tor and use another wifi or the mobile data connection to check what happens.

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