Legitimation issues

I followed that and now I can login from android and desktop clients, but snappymail is now lagging terribly, telling me stuff like "invalid token " when I flip through my mail accounts :thinking:

Well, as least we know now, what was this variable useful for :confused:
At this point, better wait for Murena team input on the issue…

What gives going back to docker exec -u www-data nextcloud /var/www/html/occ config:system:set main_domain --value <domain.tld> (with <domain.tld> = your DNS domain)?

I get “System config value main_domain set to string <domain.tld>”, but snappymail is still lagging.

And I get a million “login failed: (Remote IP: ‘XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX’)” errors in the protocol.

Sorry, I couldn’t reproduce here :frowning:
Created several users, with and without main_domain value. All working fine.

Logged in ncadmin account, in https://<domain.tld>settings/admin/additional, what gives switching between 2nd and 3rd choice for SnappyMail (“Attempt to automatically login users…”)?
Also, you can enable debug logs here.

You can also try to reset the “suspicious login” mechanism, but I’m very doubtful it may change something…

  • cd /mnt/repo-base
  • . scripts/base.sh
  • docker-compose exec mariadb mysql --user=root --password="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" $MYSQL_DATABASE_NC -e "delete from oc_bruteforce_attempts;"

I also reinstalled and now - no clue why - snappymail is working fine. :thinking:

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