Lenovo YTX703L Dialer is always disconnecting on use

on the Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus LTE YTX703L the dialer is not working since the last four or five LOS Versions and the actual /e/OS. It disconnects directly after dialing. I double checked the sim card on two other Lineageos phones, the provider is AldiTalk Germany running on the Telefonica network.
Can anybody help?

Hi @NonKon welcome to the /e/ forum.

One often suggests trying Simple Dialer from Simple mobile tools, to see if things improve.

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I tried some other dialers, always the same fail. I guess it has something to do with the firmware.

Thank you for ruling that out. You may already have searched https://gitlab.e.foundation/groups/e/-/issues. (Here, Dialer search https://gitlab.e.foundation/groups/e/-/issues/?search=Dialer&sort=created_date&state=opened&first_page_size=20)

Next to consider would be https://doc.e.foundation/support-topics/create-a-log.html – if you find no matching issue exists then perhaps https://doc.e.foundation/support-topics/report-an-issue.


if you could find the Lineage version where the fail started, you might start to triage the problem more effectively.

Good luck

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Yes, maybe I could find this out, but I’m just a user. I hoped that a obvious important app like the dialer would be fixed by the developers soon, even on LOS.

Weird thing!
I run this tablet with /e/ for quite some time now and calling used to work.
Now it doesnt, but I guess its not a problem with the dialer as it cannot be called either. Date services (internet etc.) work.
also the phone worked in the past, didnt know when that stopped.
Re-installing r1.19 didnt solve it, re-installing 1.18 led to an error and always rebootet to recovery…

Changing the network settings to prefer 3G didnt change anything too.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Update to V2.0 doesnt solve it either. please help!

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